Health Tips-Charge your Brain How to boost your brain - TopicsExpress


Health Tips-Charge your Brain How to boost your brain power Following are some helpful tips that can help you use your brain effectively Almonds Almond which is the king of nuts helps to make your brain functional. Almond contains complexion of Vitamin B such as riboflavin and L-carnitine that boost your brain activity and also reduce the risk of any brain disease. Take few pieces of Almonds daily before going to bed or after you wake up. You can take it with milk too. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away Apples contains antioxidant compounds such as Vitamin C and quercetin which offers neuro protection to the brain memory and cells preventing it from being damaged by the oxidative stress. “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away” is not just a saying but a is of real benefit as Apple contains vitamins, Minerals, fibres and is really rich in antioxidants. If you don’t like Apple, quercetin is also found in citrus fruits, onions, parsley, sage, tea. Sleep well A minimum of 7 hours sleep is needed to have sharp concentration, learning and memory. Good sleep helps to keep your mind. Your brain cant operate at its best when you do not sleep enough. Its difficult to make good decision if your mind if half working. Be happy, Enjoy the little things of your life Play with kids, Go outing, take a break from your daily routine. Help a stranger, Appreciate the good works of others, Motivate others. Exercise is another good form to boost your brain, jog, swim. Take a ride. If you are a music lover, Music is really helps to refresh your mind. Fast for a day When you fast, you remove harmful toxins from your body which helps in strengthen your memory which lets you concentrate and be creative. When you eat heavy food it causes stress on your digestive system. It also drains your brain power Mind Exercise Just like our body need needs exercise to stay active and fit, Brain also needs exercise to stay sharp and be active. Mind exercise helps to have a playful mind which leads to superior memory power. You can also make you mind playful by playing crossword puzzle, interact with stranger. Learn a new skill, to do something different. Yoga or Meditation Anything that relieves stress is helpful for your mind. Yoga or Meditation is one of the best form to relive stress. Stress is a known as memory destroyer. Stress free life leads to lower blood pressure, slower respiration and released muscle tension which results in increased brainpower. Less Sugar leads to weak brain power Lot of sugar in the body reduces the production of a brain chemical known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Our brain can’t form new memories and remember lot of things with BDNF. So if you want to maintain the brainpower, please ensure that you take less sugar. Increase intake of whole wheat Whole wheat contain lecithin. Lecithin reduces the chances of hardening of the arteries. Hard arteries often damages the functioning of brain. A light dinner Heavy dinner causes acidity that leads to uncomfortable sleep because of emotional stress. I light dinner ensures proper digestion which helps in good sleep. A good sleep means a fresh brain. Be imaginative Imagination is one of the mind exercises. Stay cool Try to avoid eating a lot of non-veg food or food that has a lot of starch and it increases temper shortly. Short temper will make you violent and lead to depressive behavior which will create stress on the brain.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 11:03:26 +0000

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