Health Update #30 - September 28, 2014 Colossians 1:18b - - TopicsExpress


Health Update #30 - September 28, 2014 Colossians 1:18b - ...That in all things he may have the preeminence. Hello Friends, Thank you for embracing the start of week 453 with me. I ended last week very strong and feeling great! Although I had occasional discomfort, it did not interfere with my activities. This afternoon was a different story. There are an increased number of sores and swallowing has started to become difficult. My jaw is also beginning to ache. Gratefully, there are no burn marks on my skin at this time. An additional prayer request I have is for the scar tissue that will develop in my face as a result of the radiation. It may inhibit the movement of my tongue and overall mouth function. I will need to do mouth exercises and massages to keep the area limber. A concern is that the burns and soreness may inhibit me. A praise I have is that my salvia glands seem to be working beautifully! As I look at the calendar I am reminded that last year during this time I was in great pain. Unknown to me at that time it was because my jaw was dying. Even though I am not looking forward to another October of jaw pain, my family reminds me that I am in the home stretch of this journey. Truthfully, I am tired and worn out by all of this. So, It reminds me of a marathon and I am on mile 20. Time to literally, just like the race, break out the bananas, GU gel, and drink fluids with electrolytes. Hebrews 12:1b comes to mind ...and let us run with endurance the race set before us. Whether it be performing the mundane tasks of life, working at a job, relating to others, or dealing with profound challenges, the Bible instructs us to persevere and do all to the glory of God. Be sure That in all things He have the preeminence. Seek Him first and then move forward. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Having said that, I am going to go take some pain reliever, maybe grab an ice pack, and go relax! Take care, Sheryl
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:35:19 +0000

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