Health and safety memo to the good people of Brisbane. If you - TopicsExpress


Health and safety memo to the good people of Brisbane. If you see me today, best you smile briefly then quickly flee. Grace was up from 1am to 4:15am for no apparent reason (she had slept through the night almost the whole week prior), cried if her father tried to comfort her (only wanted me which is unlike her), then refused to be put down (again, new behaviour). Didnt seem to be in pain - just wouldnt stay asleep. Ended up in bed with us which isnt a great outcome as Grace, much like her brother, is like a breakdancing octopus when she sleeps. They are both impossible to sleep with! Finally asleep at 4:15am (her, not me - I couldnt sleep, of course) and up at 5:30am for the day. Them she spewed half her bottle on us both, and the couch. Sigh. To add insult to injury I managed to chip a front top tooth at about 2:30am. Yep one of the pretty big ones. How did I do this? I grimaced in frustration a little too hard and managed to chip said tooth simply with the force and strength of my bottom teeth. Quite the skill. Idiot! So, Ive had approximately two and a bit hours sleep, managed to have a fight with Simon at 3:30am, Im up for expensive dental work, and my cranky pants are well and truly on. Oh and I dont drink coffee so caffeine cannot assist me. So, if you see me today, dear Brisbane friends, I suggest, for your own health and safety, you smile and flee. Quick sticks. Consider yourselves warned. A x
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:53:01 +0000

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