Health benefits of wheat germ Immune system: By adding wheat germ - TopicsExpress


Health benefits of wheat germ Immune system: By adding wheat germ to your diet, you can positively boost your immune system to fight against a number of diseases and conditions like heart disease. Wheat germ protein hydrolysates have been shown to positively increase the antioxidant activity in organic systems. Antioxidants seek and destroy free radicals and other disease-causing microorganisms in the body, reducing or eliminating the change of serious illness. Wheat germ has been shown to naturally contain high levels of these hydrolysates that stimulate the antioxidants within the immune system. Cardiovascular health: Studies have shown that a regular intake of whole grain wheat and wheat germ can reduce risk factors associated with coronary heart disease and can increase the health of the entire cardiovascular system. LDL cholesterol is cholesterol that has been oxidized, and therefore swells in the arteries and veins. This is a common sign and risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Including wheat germ in a diet increases the amount of dietary fiber, which has also been scientifically linked to a reduction in heart disease. The presence of octacosanol in wheat germ has also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, thereby decreasing chances for strokes and other harmful issues. High levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in wheat germ also work to cancel out the negative effects of Omega-6 fatty acids, further protecting your cardiovascular system. Cancer prevention: Adding wheat germ or certain types of wheat germ extracts to your diet can help you reduce the risk factors for multiple types of cancer. It has been shown to interrupt glucose metabolism at a fundamental level and inhibit the expression of various kinases, which may stimulate cancerous activity in cells. The study shows that test subjects with wheat germ extract in their diet have increased TNF secretion by the macrophages and stimulating NK cell activity (Natural Killer cells). Both of these benefits result in apoptosis (cell death) for cancerous and tumorous cells. The small germ inside wheat may not look very impressive, but its’ effects are very powerful! Anti-aging properties: Wheat germ is packed with nutrients and vitamins in such high levels that it can have significant effects on various anti-aging effects like skin quality and hair loss. As a dietary supplement, wheat germ is a natural way to get these benefits, but some people also choose the go for a more cosmetic approach, using wheat germ extract directly, or mixed with other cosmetic materials. Vitamin E is packed into wheat germ, and studies have shown a wide range of benefits to people who fill their daily requirements of that vitamin. When eaten regularly, the proteins and vitamins within wheat germ can positively affect people with conditions like psoriasis, sunburn, eczema, wrinkles, dull complexion, and receding hairlines. Athletic performance: Recent popular studies have shown wheat germ to have high levels of naturally occurring octacosanol, which has certain ergogenic qualities. This means that when taken as a part of a regular diet, wheat germ can increase stamina and performance by regulating the biochemical pathways that produce energy, which in effect streamlines the saving of energy reserves in the body. These effects have been shown multiple times, but so many variables come into play that firm scientific backing for wheat germ as a performance enhancing dietary choice is moderate to weak. Cell metabolism: Another of the beneficial vitamins found in wheat germ is Vitamin B, which consists of a number of different vitamins. The most common types found in wheat germ are Niacin, Thiamine, and folates (discussed below). These vitamins are vital in cell metabolism, helping to transform nutrients from carbohydrates, lipids, and glucose into consumable energy for the cell. Thiamine can also fight against metabolic disorders like chronic obesity. A higher functioning metabolism means more natural energy, as well as more successful weight loss, strength, and alertness. B vitamins can be found in many whole grains, and in particularly high supply within wheat germ. Muscle health: One of the best sources of protein in a diet can come from wheat germ, and protein has a laundry list of beneficial attributes. Protein is integral in maintaining healthy muscles, repairing damaged tissues, regulating energy levels within the body, and aiding in homeostasis and overall system balance. Protein is also an essential dietary requirement for people wanting to get in shape and increase muscle mass. If you are looking to bulk up in a healthy way, add wheat germ to your health regimen for great results! Pregnancy: Wheat germ is loaded with folic acid, which is an important factor in ensuring a healthy infant for pregnant women. Women who have healthy levels of folates in their system have a greatly reduced chance of their child having neural tube defects and other complications. Adding wheat germ into your diet when pregnant can be beneficial in many ways, given its’ nutrient-packed nature, but the high levels of folic acid make it particularly attractive and popular. Diabetes: The presence of so much folic acid in wheat germ has a secondary effect for people at risk for diabetes. Folic acid is negatively correlated with a compound called “homocysteine” in the body, which is closely linked to a number of harmful conditions, like vascular disease, diabetes, and heart disease. Folic acid is present in many whole grains, and in very high levels in wheat germ. Therefore, if you add normal, healthy doses of wheat germ to your diet, you will reduce the levels of homocysteine in your body, and reduce your chances of contracting these dangerous or lethal conditions.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 14:43:35 +0000

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