Health through the food we eat (or avoid) is becoming more and - TopicsExpress


Health through the food we eat (or avoid) is becoming more and more mainstream. Not because its a fad, but because its actually a critical foundation of health! The Standard American Diet aka SAD, unequivocally forms a weak foundation, yet we swallow it anyway (pun intended). Much if not most of what we eat is high is high caloric and low nutrient foods, not to mention, its full of non-nutrient chemicals, that in actuality, science has no clue as to its effects on your health, especially when mixed together. There are 5000 plus chemicals that are not required to be listed in the ingredients. Yet we swallow it! By comparison, the nutrient value of a full spectrum, whole food, plant based diet, exceeds other diets by leaps and bounds! The nutrient density of our food is what maintains our health! We are just learning the extreme health benefits of phytochemicals (plant chemicals), which, by the way, are becoming considered vital nutrients, not to mention fiber, which is also considered a nutrient. The age old misguided arguments or worries about a vegan diet have been laid to rest. One gets a full complement of protein, calcium, fatty acids and more food variety than you can imagine. For the record, Im not a vegan, but I keep animal product around 10% or less of my diet. If you are, or wish to try vegan, its recommended you supplement with B12 and possibly Vit D3. I can can tell you, from personal experience, its likely that chronic aches and pain will go away or significantly diminish, as well as; allergies, respiratory problems, benign headaches, sleep apnea, prostate swelling (no more night visits to the bathroom, for me), ED, heart burn, constipation, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, healthier skin, high blood pressure and you will lose weight. My signs and symptoms return for a short period if and when I indulge. My little canary in the coal mine alarms go off. As for disease and illness as it related to a whole food, plant based diet, the science supports prevention, as well as management and even reversal of most of our common top killers and disabling diseases. I mean crap! What more are you looking for? Stop eating yourself to the point of chronic illness, disability and premature death! If you want to learn more let me know. I have beau-coup saved, valid & reliable data, on a multitude of topics ranging from longevity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes weight loss, cosmetics, Alzheimers, depression, joint pain, headaches, muscle pain,... etc. Just let me know. I would be happy to help lead you to the medical experts and data to help you stay or get healthy! Heres a short clip by medical doctor whos an expert in nutrition. https://vimeo/88191060 Dr. James E. Greathouse, Jr Chiropractic Physician Board Cert Rehabilitation
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:39:15 +0000

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