Health to all by 2001 A. D. - An Ayurvedic approach with special - TopicsExpress


Health to all by 2001 A. D. - An Ayurvedic approach with special reference to utilization of Prakruti-Concept in employment - Prof. Dr. M. P. Prabhudesai, M. F. A. M., A. V. P. Sawantwadi, Dist. - Sindhudurga, Maharashtra, Pin - 416510. INDIA. {This paper was presented in the 3rd World Congress on Yoga and Ayurveda, held at Italy, in May 1989.} The declaration by the World Health Organization - Health to all by 2001 A. D. is itself a self explanatory project. In this paper, I am exerting to discuss the role of Prakruti-Vijnan, which is one of the basic concepts of Ayurvedic Science, to reach the said goal. Initially, it is essential to know the background of Ayurveda, prior to the discussion about the role of Prakruti-Vijnan. Ayurveda is a science of the Life, as its name implies - तद्‍ आयुः वेदयति इति आयुर्वेदः। - चरक. सूत्र. ३०/२३ and it correlates with the Hindu Philosophy that the human-birth is for the acquisition of Moksha, which is the ultimate of all the four Purusharthas (i. e. Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksha). A human-being deserves to get Moksha only after he has acquired the first three Purusharthas (i. e. Dharma, Artha and Kama), properly, during his/her life-time. One requires not only a good length of life but also a healthy physique & mind throughout the Life, for the achievement of the first three Purusharthas, during ones life-time. धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां आरोग्यं मूलं उत्तमम्‍ । - चरक. सूत्र. १/१५. Ayurveda was brought upon this globe, to get a healthy and long life, by about three millennium B. C., by the Great Rushis, in form of literature. Ayurveda, the real science of life, has kept two main objectives before it - - To maintain sound physical and mental health and - To treat the anomalies, created by ignoring the rules laid down by Ayurveda, in relation with food and behaviour. प्रयोजनं च अस्य ( आयुर्वेदस्य ) - स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्यरक्षणं, आतुरस्य विकारप्रशमनं च । - चरक. सूत्र. ३०/२६ To achieve the first objective, a person has to seek medical advice, not only when one is sick, but also during ones healthy span of life. The person should determine ones own Prakruti with the help of an Ayurvedic Prakruti-tajna and should follow his instructions regarding daily pattern of life, in relation with food, behaviour etc., especially so, during the change in season. Ayurveda has divided the mankind in seven main Prakruties (constitutions), based upon the Tridosha-theory - a) The constitutions having predominance of single Dosha - (1) Vatala, (2) Pittala and (3) Shleshmala. b) The constitutions having predominance of two Doshas - (4) Vata-Pittala, (5) Vata-Shleshmala and (6) Pitta-Shleshmala. c) The constitutions having all three Doshas in equilibrium (7) Samadoshaja (Samaprakruti) Once acquired during conception, the Prakruti remains constant throughout the Life of an individual and one has to eat and behave in the way that will suit with ones own constitution. Then only one may maintain ones health. There are many characteristics of physique and mind that have been described in Ayurvedic Texts, with help of which an Ayurvedic Physician is able to label the Prakruti of an individual. During the present days of Financial Crisis, one has to earn for ones survival, with the help of an occupation or an employment. There are so many jobs where the environment may differ from job to job, during the present era of modernization and industrialization. Here the Prakruti-Vijnana plays its major role in employment of persons in the job that will suit with their Prakruties and will definitely prove helpful to achieve the first objective of Ayurveda. Prevention is better than cure, is the principle which should not only include the programme of vaccination & immunization, but also a rigid and careful scrutiny of the employees, on the basis of Prakruti-Vijnana, for a better or rather proper method of employment and this is the fact being emphasized in this paper. Productivity is directly proportional with the employees health, is the principle agreed by the commercial industry. A person selecting an occupation or a person allotted for certain employment may not stand good, as far as the maintenance of his/her physical and mental health is concerned. Here, I wish to point out that many lives have fallen a prey to many diseases only because of present faulty method of employment. This can be prevented and thus by saving many man-hours wasted due to illness of such wrongly employed person, the production will be boosted and purpose of the employment will be served. For clarification of my views, I will quote few examples as follows - - For sedentary jobs (like clerks, typists etc.) Shleshmala Prakruti individuals should not be employed. - For jobs with irregular life-schedule, like representatives, secretaries etc. Shleshmala Prakruti individuals may be selected. - For the jobs where night-duty is inevitable, like in bars, casinos, watchmen etc. Vatala Prakruti individual should never be employed. - For jobs concerned with chemicals, dyes etc. Pittala Prakruti individuals may not be employed. - For jobs in air-conditioned premises, Shleshmala and Vatala individuals should not be employed; but Pittala individuals may be selected for such jobs. - For jobs having continuous stress and strain, like executives, administrative etc. Shleshmala individuals should be preferred. - For jobs in tropical countries or in hot environment (like boilers, furnaces etc.) Pittala individual should never be employed. - For hard-working jobs, Shleshmala individuals should be preferred, but Pittala individuals should be avoided. - Vatala individuals may be preferred in marine jobs or in agricultural/irrigational jobs, while Shleshmala individuals should be avoided. - Shleshmala individuals may be employed in air-force and as drivers of fast vehicles, while Vatala individuals should never be selected for such jobs. - For jobs where secrecy is very important (like private secretaries, higher army officials, spies etc.) Vatala individuals should never be employed, while Shleshmala individuals should be preferred. - Pittala and Shleshmala individuals may be preferred for jobs where courage and intelligence is required. For the sake of convenience and better understanding, I have quoted here examples of individuals with predominance of single Dosha Prakruti only. Ayurvedic Prakruti-tajna is supposed to go in details to determine individual Prakruti. To make the theme of this paper practicable, I would like to propose a Three-Phase Formula of employment as follows - Phase One - Every employer, anywhere in the World should be compelled to appoint an Ayurvedic Prakruti-tajna, even by law, if necessary. Phase Two - Every person, desirous for an employment, should undergo strict and rigid medical examination by the appointed Prakruti-tajna. He will decide the Prakruti (constitution) of that individual by observing minute and will certify accordingly, whether that particular job is suitable for that persons Prakruti. Phase Three - Only after getting a fitness certificate by the Prakruti-tajna, the individual may be interviewed by the employer. If this scheme is implemented very soon, it will certainly maintain the health of the employees and thereby improve the productivity. At the same time, it will prove to be helpful to gain health to all, by 2001 A. D., to some extent. I expect from the world-wide organizations like International Association of Ayurveda and Naturopathy, and World Federation of Yoga, Ayurveda and Traditional Medicine to compel the World Health Organization for proper implementation of this scheme, all over the World. Thus, Ayurveda, through critical study of the Prakruti (constitution), can help every individual, to reach at the healthy aim of the World Health Organization. सर्वेऽत्र सुखिनः सन्तु, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । Contact - Prof. Dr. M. P. Prabhudesai Sawantwadi, Dist. Sindhudurga, Pin - 416510, Maharashtra, INDIA. e-mails - vdmurali13@gmail [email protected] Mobile - +919422435323
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 12:54:49 +0000

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