Health warning: Ive been thinking! History is marvellous and we - TopicsExpress


Health warning: Ive been thinking! History is marvellous and we contribute in some way each day. We cant change it as too many extraneous events elsewhere. We are in a particular phase of history that doesnt bode well. I do fear for the future of our grandchildren and their children. We have an election coming up and the usual muppetry will assail our minds with the same old rhetoric. Time to step out of the box and think again. Time to get rid of intolerance in all manner and walks of life? We do need to think for the younger generation. Ive had my say in the past for me and now Im going to focus more on those younger ones who cant yet know whats in store. Who, indeed, does know? History can be made more tolerable if we all sit down and think what will be best for 50 years hence. Not easy yet necessary in my humble. Nasty old chest infection has developed so will try and get in in the nearly dead category, the over 65! Have a good one and THINK
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:19:13 +0000

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