Healthcare Management & Leadership Complete Course PLEASE - TopicsExpress


Healthcare Management & Leadership Complete Course PLEASE DOWNLOAD HERE! studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15487 Describe the various stakeholders in the health care industry. What is the role and interest of each? studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15485 Describe the various stakeholders in the health care industry. What is the role and interest of each? The stakeholders in the health care industry are the “consumers, employers, healthcare providers, healthcare facilities, government (federal, state, local), insurance companies, educational and training institutions, professional associations that represent the different stakeholders, pharmaceutical companies, and research institutions” (Niles, 2011). The consumers consist of the patients who need healthcare services from.... List and explain two of the leadership theories covered in this unit. Choose one of the leadership theories and explain how that theory provides guidance to practitioners in improving quality in health care. Two of the leadership theories covered in this unit are the contingency theories and the behavioral theories (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). More specifically, the contingency theories of leadership focus on the specific variables that relates to the environment, and which determine the particular leadership style that would best apply to a given situation (Cherry, 2013). According to the contingency theories..... Express the challenges involved in changing the health care system? One of the challenges in implementing changes in the healthcare system is the existence of multiple buyers, suppliers, governing and regulating bodies, and payers, which make the healthcare system very complex (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). Unlike other countries where the government serves as the single payer and is responsible for the financing.... Your readings this week differentiated between management and leadership. Think about the following phrase: “Managers must have leadership skills and leaders must have management skills.” Do you think leaders and managers have some of the same responsibilities? Yes, I think that managers and leaders have some of the same responsibilities, although those of the manager are on a smaller scale than those of the leaders. Managers are responsible for a specific unit in the organization while the leader is responsible for the entire organization. In addition, the responsibilities of managers are performed... Discuss the core competencies of leadership in health care. Which of these competencies do you need to gain more confidence in? According to Stoller (2008), the key competencies in healthcare leadership are the following: 1.) technical skills and knowledge (regarding operational, financial, and information systems, human resources, and strategic planning); 2.) industry knowledge (e.g., regarding clinical processes, regulation, and healthcare trends); 3.) problem-solving skills; 4.) emotional intelligence; 5.) communication; and.... Value and leadership in the health care field studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15484 Value and leadership in the health care field What is the purpose of job redesign? Compare and contrast two of the structural approaches to coordination. What is a manager’s role in motivation? Discuss two motivation problems and their potential solutions. Discuss the expectancy theory of motivation and explain the four components associated with this theory. Leadership is an important factor in ensuring the success of an organization, including a healthcare organization. With leaders having different styles of leadership, it can be inferred that these styles are greatly influenced by a leader’s personal values. In this regard, this paper discusses the importance of leadership in the healthcare field and how such leadership is influenced by a leader’s value system. As Cliff (2012) asserts, leadership is critical in organizations.... A report by Tocknell (2013), which described the results of the 2013 Health Leaders Media Industry Survey, indicated that healthcare organization leaders recognize the need for responding to changes in the industry. In particular, healthcare leaders are faced.... The development of skills alone however, may not be enough to ensure good leadership. As suggested by Graber and Kilpatrick (2008), the possession of inspiring or strong values is gaining more importance as a quality of a successful leader. In particular, leaders are expected to possess a strong foundation of personal ethics.... In this regard, there’s a need to develop more leaders within the healthcare industry and even within the healthcare organizations themselves. Considering that physicians have a different educational and socialization background compared to the management professionals who are conventionally in charge of running the business side of... What is the purpose of job redesign? studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15483 What is the purpose of job redesign? Job redesign is intended to increase employee motivation (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). It involves making alterations or changes in particular aspects of a job in order to satisfy the psychological needs of employees, in turn motivating them to perform better at their jobs. In particular, a job redesign would... Compare and contrast two of the structural approaches to coordination. Two of the structural approaches to coordination are the standardization of work processes and the standardization of skills (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). Both of these approaches aim to standardize the work that needs to be performed through the specification of the skillsets and tasks that are required for the work’s completion (Pogach et al., 2004). They both provide.... What is a manager’s role in motivation? A manager can greatly influence employee motivation in that they can either increase or decrease it. A manager is in a position to control the circumstances or the variables that affect an employee’s level of job satisfaction. Therefore, the manager plays a big role in influencing the level of motivation that his or her subordinates have. For example, one factor that.... Discuss two motivation problems and their potential solutions. Two motivation problems are classified as the impediments to performance and the inadequacy of performance-reward linkages (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). The impediments to performance pertain to the employees having inadequate information, the poor process of matching employees to jobs, the employees.... Discuss the expectancy theory of motivation and explain the four components associated with this theory. The expectancy theory of motivation is a process theory in that it explains why people choose to behave in a particular way (Redmond, 2013). More specifically, this theory posits that people are motivated to behave in a certain way because of their belief that such action or behavior will lead to their desired outcome. In this regard.... Case Study: Staff Motivation at Sharp Healthcare studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=8649 1. What are the key factors in Sharp’s successful approach to motivation? The key factor in Sharp’s successful approach to motivation is its “focus on purpose, worthwhile work, and making a difference” (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). This has led to patient, physician, and employee satisfaction, improved outcomes, and enhanced loyalty mainly... 2. Do you see any weaknesses in the Sharp approach? One weakness in the Sharp approach is that it mostly focused on increasing the employees’ intrinsic motivation through the granting of intrinsic rewards in the form of meaningful work (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). Although intrinsic rewards are a great way to motivate and engage employees, it would be intuitive to think that individual differences among the various organizational members imply that people are motivated in different ways. Some people get... 3. Can the Sharp approach be replicated in other health care organizations? What are some important barriers and facilitators to using the Sharp approach? The Sharp approach can be replicated in other healthcare organizations, albeit with some difficulty in smaller healthcare organizations. More specifically, the implementation of this approach may require the allocation of additional resources for endeavors such as providing the employees with professional development opportunities and... Discuss the barriers to effective communication and discuss why effective communication is important in organizations. studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15482 Discuss the barriers to effective communication and discuss why effective communication is important in organizations. The barriers to effective communication include “negative or ambiguous relationships, poor credibility, conflicting belief systems, conflicting interests, and communication mismatches” (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012, p. 168). In particular, communication becomes ineffective if there is no existing relationship between the message sender and the message receiver. As a simple example, a person is more likely to follow the advice of his or her mother than that of a stranger just because he or she has a relationship with.... Differentiate between two types of teams discussed in your reading. Provide a scenario in which each type of team would be formed. Two types of teams are the work teams and the project teams (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). Work teams are permanent in nature as their tasks are ongoing. In particular, the tasks of work teams include the production of goods or the provision of services. In contrast, a project team is a temporary. It is dissolved after the team’s purpose or goal.... Compare and contrast teams, formal groups, and informal groups A group is made up of two or more persons whose interactions with each other enable them to influence one another (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). On the other hand, a team is made up of several persons with interdependent tasks. While a group may be formed for no particular purpose, a team is usually formed in... Complete the case study, “Using Teams to Achieve Millennium Development Goals,” on page 154 of the textbook a) One feature of the teams in this case is frequent turnover among team members. How might turnover among team members affect team performance What approaches can team leaders take to minimize potential negative impacts of turnover and gain advantages, if any? Turnovers can negatively affect the morale of the team members as these will make them think that there must be something wrong with the organization, that’s why their colleagues are leaving. Similarly..... b) Consumers or patients are sometimes involved in quality improvement teams, but in this role, they may feel that their voices are unimportant, or that their participation is symbolic rather than substantive. Do you think that consumers should be involved in the improvement teams in this case? Why or why not? If consumes are how can team leaders and members most effectively utilize their knowledge and insights? Yes, consumers or patients should be involved in healthcare quality improvement teams because they are the customers of healthcare services and as such, they are the ones who will either benefit or suffer.... c) Even when team improvement efforts achieve change, the sustainability of change remains a pervasive challenge. In fact, sustainability of the teams themselves may be problematic. What are the particular obstacles to sustaining the improvements achieved by teams in this case? Similarly, what factors might lead to the dissolution of the improvement teams over time? As a team leader, what strategies might be used to sustain change and to uphold the vitality of the team over time? Some of the obstacles to sustaining improvements include the perception that the change made is a temporary endeavor instead of an ongoing initiative (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d.). Another obstacle is if the... In the article Promoters and barriers in hospital team communication studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15481 Teams and communication in the health care setting. · Using Google Scholar, locate at least one scholarly article involving both of these topics. · Read the article, and compose a three page article review by doing the following: 1. Provide introductory details about the article selected. 2. Discuss the purpose of or type of team as presented by the article. 3. Discuss the communication failures amongst the team members. 4. Discuss how the communication failures impeded the team’s performance and/or impeded quality patient care. In the article Promoters and barriers in hospital team communication. A focus group study, the author Louise Isager Rabol and colleagues (2012) described the findings of a study that aimed to determine the communication problems encountered in the healthcare setting. In particular, the researchers conducted 4 multi-professional focus group interviews that involved clinical staff members from 4 hospitals in Denmark from November, 2006 to September, 2007. The focus group participants mostly are consisted of physicians, nurses, and.... What are the characteristics of the health care system that make it a complex system? studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15480 What are the characteristics of the health care system that make it a complex system? One of the characteristics of a healthcare system that makes it complex is that it is made up of numerous constituent elements that in turn have many interrelationships existing among them (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). Because of these interrelationships, complexity arises from the efforts to find the best solution.... Explain how trust, fairness, and transparency can help to prevent power abuse in health care organizations. Transparency helps prevent the abuse of power as this means that organizational information is made available to the public (Burns, Bradley& Weiner, 2012) or at least to the organization’s members. This means that nothing is hidden and should... Discuss ways in which power can be used in health care organizations. Power can be used for the redistribution of all types of resources, such as knowledge, financial, and human resources (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). It can also be used for the control of information, which in turn is used for making decisions. For example, the organization’s leadership... Differentiate between the two types of conflict mentioned in your readings. Provide an original example of each type of conflict. The two types of conflict are task conflict and relationship conflict (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). Task conflict occurs when parties differ in their understanding of or in their manner of carrying out a task. On the other hand, relationship conflict occurs due to personal differences, such as differences.... Compare and contrast the three sources of power that exist in all organizations The three sources of power in all organizations are the organizational structure, culture, and knowledge (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). Structurally derived power refers to formal power that is bestowed on someone because of their position in the.... Discuss how strategic planning and competitive advantage can impose competitions amongst health care organizations. Is such competition amongst health care organizations good or bad? studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15476 Discuss how strategic planning and competitive advantage can impose competitions amongst health care organizations. Is such competition amongst health care organizations good or bad? It is typical for the US economy to rely on market competition (Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice, 2004). This implies that the consumers, rather than the government, decide on the prices and the quality of the goods and services that they purchase. Due to this fact, rival companies have to compete in order to satisfy the consumers’ demands. With healthcare organizations having a business side.... Compare and contrast two approaches to quality improvement. Two approaches to quality improvement are Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and Six Sigma (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). CQI consists of methodologies that aim to promote a vision of leadership and at the same time improve quality. More specifically, its focus is on the improvement of organizational processes, which then leads to better quality. It also involves the application of work processes.... Discuss the benefits of implementing QI and CQI in health care organizations. What are the benefits for the organization and for the organization’s stakeholders? The implementations of QI and CQI in health care organizations include improvements in organizational processes, as well as improvements in the services and medical treatments provided by the healthcare organization. For example, QI and CQI can be implemented to improve processes within a unit of the organization (e.g. The Emergency Care Unit), which can lead to both a better... Discuss two of the challenges of implementing QI and CQI in health care. Two of the challenges in implementing QI and CQI in health care are specialization and physician’s culture (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). In particular, health care professionals have their own areas of specialization that the treatment of one patient requires an expertise of a number of health care professionals. However, because healthcare professionals, especially physicians, are trained in and are.... How do patient expectations, technology trends, politics, and other shifts in the internal and external environment impact the strategic plans of a health care organization? These can impact the strategic plans of a healthcare organization in that these changes can influence an organization’s strategic direction and the allocation of their resources (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). For example, changes or advancements in technology can influence an organization to change their strategic direction, because the organization’s leaders may want to change their quality improvement efforts’ focus to initiatives.... Discuss the reasons that health care organizations form alliances grow and mature? studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15475 Health care organizations form alliances in order to improve their financial performance and to promote innovation and organizational learning, as well as to avoid the opportunity cost of failing to engage in a strategic alliance (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). In particular, although joint initiatives, such as.... What are the issues that managers may face as alliances grow and mature? Managers may experience difficulties in the management of a growing alliance because ensuring the representation of all alliance members on a single board of directors becomes more challenging (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). Diversity among the members’ increases as the alliance grows, making it more difficult to obtain consensus on matters that concern the alliance’s strategy, which include discussions about... List five government agencies that are part of the HHS. Explain the purpose of each agency. Five of the government agencies under the HHS are the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). CMS is in charge of the provision of.... Discuss the major laws and regulations that impact health care organizations. The major laws and regulations that impact healthcare organizations include the Medicare and Medicaid law, the Food and Drug law, the Antitrust law, and the Tax Exemption law (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). In particular, the Medicare and Medicaid law provides regulations for the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The Medicare..... Compare and contrast the different types and forms of alliances in health care. The different types and forms of alliances are based on their “ownership, control, size, governance, and nature of participation” (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012, p. 326). Alliances can be classified in terms of the degree of ownership and control that the member organizations have. Intuitively, it can be presumed that alliances where the members are able to exercise more.... The readings in this Unit introduced the Department of Health and Human Services studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15474 The readings in this Unit introduced the Department of Health and Human Services and the sub-organizations it has created to help assist with the delivery of health care and health services. · Review the websites of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). In your review, include: · Background on each agency · Discuss the services that each agency provides. · Overall, compare and contrast the oversight of each of these federal health care agencies. · The review should three pages. Introduction The Department of Health and Human Services has created various agencies to facilitate the delivery of health care and health services to the public. Three of these agencies are the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the CMS.... The CDC The CDC is an agency of the Department of Health and Services, which has the mission of collaborating in order to create the tools, information, and expertise that communities and people need for the protection of their health (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013b). It intends to achieve these through the promotion of preparedness .... The HRSA Finally, the HRSA is responsible for improving the access of people who are medically vulnerable, isolated, or uninsured to health care services (HRSA, 2013). In particular, the agency provides financial and leadership support to health care providers in all US states and territories. The recipients of HRSA grants provide health care... Conclusion The Department of Health and Human Services has created various agencies to address concerns and promote advancements in various areas of public health. Three of these agencies are the CDC, the CMS, and the HRSA. The CDC is responsible for supporting research and development for the control and prevention of diseases while... Discuss the global price differential among hospitals. Why do countries like the U. S. have higher charges for procedures like hip replacements, open-heart surgery, and other medical services? studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15473 A study indicated that “the average weighted price of a procedure in the United States was $10,629 versus $1,410 for other accredited international destinations” (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012, p. 435). Some examples include a coronary bypass graft, which has average costs ranging from $70,000 to $133,000 in the US but costs only... The authors state that the world of health care is flattening. Discuss the arguments for and against this claim. The world of healthcare is flattening in that the factors that affect competition among healthcare organizations around the world are becoming more equitable. Factors that may have once served to limit or restrict healthcare access from certain organizations or locations are now being eliminated. In particular.... Discuss the national and international response in regards to health worker migration. Define medical tourism. The national and international response to health worker migration can be described in the development of the concept called managed migration. This concept refers to efforts to ensure that this flow of health workers would benefit both the destination and source countries. It also refers to efforts to link international migration to the health.... Discuss how medical tourism influences the U. S. health care system and foreign health care systems. Medical tourism has made health care organizations in the US and other developed countries take a more competitive stance when it comes to the provision of healthcare services. For example, the National Health Service in England has set explicit performance standards and targets with corresponding penalties for non-compliance (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). They have also.... Discuss comparative advantage in health care. Choose one country and compare it to the U. S. Which country offers comparative advantage? Why? Comparative advantage in healthcare refers to the discovery and deployment of substantial differences in a nation’s access, quality, or cost such that a medical service, activity, or procedure creates patient value. According to the law of comparative advantage, “two countries can both gain from trade if, in the absence of trade, they have different relative costs for producing the same... What are the barriers to EHR/HIM implementation? How are these barriers being addressed? studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15472 What are the barriers to EHR/HIM implementation? How are these barriers being addressed? One of the main barriers to the implementation of an EHR/HIM implementation is cost (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). In particular, the purchase of an EHR/HIM system is expensive, with system installation and implementation costing between $15,000 and.... What are the drivers behind consumer driven health care? How has consumer-driven health care changed the health care industry? Some of the drivers behind consumer-driven health care are the aging population, a change from an acute-care model to a chronic-care model, the increase in consumer expectations and demands, the increased use of technology, and the advances in health care treatment (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). In particular, the aging.... How has consumerism influenced health care? Consumerism has influenced health care in that healthcare consumers have become so empowered that they are now able to choose the healthcare services that they want and need. In particular, they make their choices based on these services’ availability, accessibility, convenience, and safety (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). More specifically..... List and discuss the factors driving EHR implementation The need for reducing medical errors and promoting a safer health care system are among the factors that drive the implementation of an EHR system (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). In particular, the implementation of EHR systems can improve the efficiency of healthcare systems and the health of populations. Not only can..... Discuss each phase of the SDLC. Why is the SDLC an important step in the planning of EHR/HIM projects? The SDLC is an important step in the planning phase of EHR and HIM projects because it helps ensure that the health care organization chooses the right system or application for its needs and that it is able to successfully implement it (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). SDLC consists of the following phases.... Security and Privacy in Health Information Technology-22 Pages studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=8746 Introduction The implementation of health information systems or electronic health records is an ongoing initiative among many healthcare organizations across the United States. However, aside from the costs and complexities involved in the design and implementation... Organizational Overview The organization selected for this research paper is a U.S. military base that has one of the largest medical facilities. This military base was established in 1845. Its development and expansion continued throughout the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century and now has the biggest collection of historic buildings in the Department... Literature Review With the national call for the implementation of health information systems in healthcare organizations across the United States, many of these organizations are in various stages of implementing the said systems. However, not only... Discussion The company commander of a U.S. military base was interviewed for this research, with the interview focusing on the initiatives of the organization with regards to the implementation of a health information system. The researcher learned that the organization has yet... Conclusion This paper examined the security and privacy issues that are associated with the implementation of health information systems. Existing literature on the subject matter was reviewed and a leader in a military base’s healthcare facility was interviewed to determine the facility’s challenges and initiatives with regards to their handling of their patients’ medical records and any effort to implement a health information... Week 8 Power Point Presentation – 15 Slides Security and Privacy in Health Information System studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15696
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 01:49:29 +0000

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