Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the Machinations of an aging mind: There are - TopicsExpress


Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the Machinations of an aging mind: There are two methods of controlling human beings – one is to negotiate a resolution. It is an attempt to calm the savage soul. The other is to intimidate. Nothing negotiated just simple brute force used to steam roll and control. Interestingly the two apparently opposite methods are employed politically in tandem. There is always the slick, sophisticated presentation of an apparent desire to “work it out.” The polished well published periodical approach to convincing and propagandizing. The new Jim Crow in the Pin Striped suit approach – all dressed up and looking and sounding like something other than what it truly is. It is the “Wall Street” look. Exuding confidence and wealth. It is the ALEC approach to legislating away the very fabric of social advancements while appearing respectable. It is how we are manipulated and controlled. When that fails – and in concurrence with the negotiating come the intimidation. If you are not convinced by the ruse you will regret it. You will simply be run over, you and yours. Laws are passed that take away individual freedoms, little by little. It is all done for the sake of intimidation. The play ground bullies really never grew up or changed they simply appropriated a different style. Republican governed States with Governors looking to pass voter ID laws, restricted rights for women and the poor – nothing more than intimidation – “You won’t shut up so we will shut you up” or at the very least “Put you in your proper place.” Out of one side of their mouth they want to woo us and connive to convince us – out of the other side they threaten to whip us into submission. It is nothing but Hypocrisy. There is no concern for the welfare of all of us. There is an abundance of care for the welfare of a few – and they are not the needy – they are the wealthy. Benjamin Disraeli once observed that “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” It is, I think, implied therein that what we are given as a store front from which we are governed is not where our government resides. Another observation of Disraeli: “ I repeat... that all power is a trust; that we are accountable for its exercise; that from the people and for the people all springs, and all must exist.” Whether or not we have ventured to far a field to ever return is a matter of concern. We have been “sweet talked” and some have been calmed to the point of not being aware. When I hear talk of “shutting down the government” as a means to an end – I do not hear concern or negotiation it is the ranting of the bully and I want to beat him down.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 15:46:49 +0000

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