Hear the word of the Lord The Stirring of the four winds of - TopicsExpress


Hear the word of the Lord The Stirring of the four winds of God! A stirring of the 4 winds has come. The four winds are going to blow more fiercely in my House. The winds of adversity from the North must blow, the winds of change must come forth. Everything in the House of God with the roots in the world must be blown away. The day of separation is upon us. The hour has come forth to bring for the divine shift, the divine change, the divine events that are necessary to bring from My purposes says the Lord. No longer will you find safety in the status quo. No longer will you find safety under the rocks that you hid yourselves from me. No longer will you be able to whitewash over my holiness that is burning in your midst. My prepared ones will be ready for the day of my holiness which will now come forth, yes even the very days of the Lord will burn like an oven in my house. I am coming forth with fury in my house. I am coming to my house like a tempest blast. Where will you be able to stand all you who prophesy and say all is well, peace and prosperity are your portion in this hour?How will they be able to stand in the hour by the lying words you have spoken? In a day, am I going to remove the false prophets and lying prophets in my house that are deceiving my people. Those that desire to bring them back to bondage to religion and the traditions of men. Those who try to take my glory to worship men, or an organized institution, instead of Me, the Lord God Almighty. I alone am the Creater. I am alone am the IAM that I AM. There shall be no other gods before me. My wind is going to lift up the skirts of the liars, the pretenders and hypocrites in my house. The wind is going to expose what is and what is not of Me. Many say words in my name that I have never spoken. Just as I opposed the false prophet in the day of Jeremiah who brought the lying words to my people to turn their hearts from me, so will I do to the lying prophets who speak peace when I say there is no peace. Where they speak prosperity when I am bringing judgment. My dear ones, I promised I would keep you safe in the hour that would come upon the world. It is time for your arising. It is the time for you to come forth and come here into the safe place with me. The winds of adversity from the North are not meant for you to experience the judgment in my house, but to lift you into a new place of intimacy and safety with me. You must understand the hour that is being birthed today upon you. The Golden Calf my people made of me in my name will be torn down, but you must be in the safety under the shadow of my wings as I do this. I have prepared you even now to be able to execute the judgments that are written and to bind forth the Kings and Nobles, putting them in chains. I must uproot, pluck down, root up and destroy that which the enemy has sown in my house. For this purpose was I made manifest to destroy the works of the devil. I am going to do that through you and in you. You will be my witnesses, but first I must allow the North winds to blow. I must let them do their work beginning in my house, but as these winds begin to increase, your desire for me will increase and you fill find the come up here in me and stay safe in the Secret Place of the Most High God. You are about to see these winds come upon my house and the world in a very furious way and I dont want this day to come upon you unawares. I want you to know the seasons and timing of that which is to come. Your safety is in me. I am your hiding place, your refuge and fortress and I delight to be that for you more than you could ever know. I will stand and place my angels around you, my fire around you, you will just watch as a spectator for now that which I am about to do. I will no longer allow to stand that which is not of me that has deceived my people that I think and act as a man. The deception that allowed them to reduce me in their minds to their level. Soon everyone will know that I AM the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY MAKER OF HEAVEN AND OF EARTH. We have much to do together my beloved. There is much I must show you, prepare you for, and have you participate with me with in that which is to come. Like I said of Abraham, will I not first tell my friend Abraham what I am about to do in destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. So you my bride, my friends, my love I am sharing with you that the North winds are about to blow most strongly in my house and upon the world. I do not want this day to come upon you unawares. It will be great birth pains and tribulation that will blow upon my house and the world, but for you it will be a day of Glory and Power for my Bride is making herself ready. Dont think that I have come to bring peace, but a sword, for I will separate mother in law from daughter in law, sons from fathers, daughters from their mothers, and whosoever will endure to the end shall be saved. The winds must come and I must move more speedily than you are expecting in this coming year. I just want you in the place of safety so I can position you and pour through you in my divine plan that I have for you before the foundation of the world. My strategies will be accomplished in and through you as you make yourself ready for me. You will sing while other will weep. You will be formed into a Kingdom of priest for me, when others will just cry, salvation, salvation. You have heard my voice. You have cooperated with my Holy Spirit. You are allowing me to change you in the deepest trials you have ever faced inwardly. Not the time of the outer trials is about to come forth. For the outer trials are going to reveal the inner work in my people. It will separate those who have the gold tried by the fire and those who have not. It will separate those who have the extra oil and those who have not. It will identify the wise from the foolish virgins. It will identify the one taken and the one left in the field. The time of the revealed identity in Me shall come forth. The what is of me from the what is not of me, the holy from the profane, the truth from the lie is about to be totally exposed. Woe, unto you that have rejected my voice in my house and desired your own ways over mine. Woe, unto you that have resisted my working in your life and desired doing it the worlds way more than you have desired me and my ways.. Woe, to you liars, hypocrites and pretenders that work to destroy my people with your flattering tongues and lying words. The wind from the North is coming to expose the shame of your nudity. The day of the lifting of your skirt has come! The day of divine change and separation will now be seen in my house. What I have done in secret is about to be revealed. The hour has come for my wind to bring the very FLAME OF MY HOLINESS in the midst of my house. Who can stand when He appears, and who can endure the day of his coming. For He shall come like a REFINING FIRE AND FULLER Soap. But now the hour is drawing upon you. The day of fire is being revealed to try everything, every work to expose whether it is of Me or wood, hay and stubble.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:40:53 +0000

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