Heard a bad one out is Sagkeeng the other day. Remember those two - TopicsExpress


Heard a bad one out is Sagkeeng the other day. Remember those two Bald Eagles that were around the river? Well it seems someone killed them. Seems like the DDT era and the lead shot era was not the only threat to the Eagles. People killing Eagles is a big threat. There is absolutely no honour in killing Eagles in this day. How hard is it to use a scope and a rifle to kill and Eagle. Bait them and you have an easy kill. Sadly we are losing any resemblance of respect and mercy for the Earth and for all other living things, never mind our own people. The Eagle was all but gone in the 60s and you would never see any around the region. Now we our kids get a chance to see them, but not for long as the amount of killing going on. And who is killing them? Look around. We are. We want to covet that once impossible Feather to hold. Now you look and you can spot them everywhere. Its not fair for me to condemn a Sacred practice but when it becomes a commodity, well then there is something seriously wrong. I am more guilty than a lot of people for coveting items for the sake of greed but I think we can try to make amends for our ways. I think sometimes we use the Sacred as an excuse for our own greed or wants. I think a little education on how fragile the ecosystem, the birds, animals, the earth is, and we can make wiser choices.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:02:38 +0000

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