Hearing Gods voice is by far the most important part of your - TopicsExpress


Hearing Gods voice is by far the most important part of your prayer & fellowship time with God. God needs to touch our hearts so that Jesus is our 1st Love, and so that we will faithfully and passionately seek Him and follow Him, however and wherever He may lead us. Your heart has a door that gives God and other people access or not. That door to our heart is our will. Philippians 4:7 Guard your hearts and minds through Christ. True intimacy with God must be available anywhere and everywhere. If we wish to be intimate with Jesus, then we must expect him to come to us, but we must also be prepared to go to him. Do not let the cares of the day, the stresses of the moments, and the worries of tomorrow interfere with your communing and partaking of the love affair Jesus IsGod. “I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me. John 5:30 This was His call for us to come into intimate relationship with Him and this is how you hear his voice more and more each day. But how do I know if you are making the right decisions in life? For me this is my guide. As a child of God I do not walk blind. Assurance of this promise in the word. It takes a humble heart in love and God will open the door. God will reveal Himself to those who humbly seek Him. Confirm that you are following the Holy Spirit and not another voice. Our own flesh can scream pretty loud (especially when we are under pressure, or we want something very badly). And the Devil is the father of lies -- he is the great deceiver. My seven keys - Scripture,The Holy Spirit speaking to our heart, prophetic(wore of knowledge, word of wisdom, prophecy),Godly counsel, Confirmation, The peace of God, Circumstances/Timing. Many times the Lord will confirm His direction to us through three, four or more of these keys -- especially when we are in the process of making an important, life-changing decision. Hear His voice and walk in His ways.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:28:40 +0000

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