Hearing more often of how our products help our customers!!! Diane - TopicsExpress


Hearing more often of how our products help our customers!!! Diane shares her story of our products have changed her mothers life!!! Diane says - My mother Kathrine Timmons is 82 years old has Dementia and lives with pain daily from her knee that her doctor says is bone on bone and must have an injection every three months in her knee because e of concern that if mother is put to sleep for another surgery that she will have more memory lost. My sister Darlene Miller tends to our mother and only when she is having unbearable pain will she give mother her pain medication but must be careful not to give too much for the same concern that it may affect more memory lost. About 8 yrs ago my mother had a shoulder replacement without any problems until 3 weeks ago or the later part of Jan. 2013, Darlene told me that mother is having a horible time moving her arm in any direction that she was having shooting pains in her shoulder and arm and didnt know what to do. I told her that i had something that i believe would help our mother and that i was on my way there. My sister applied the Fast Relieve cream on mothers shoulder and arm and also started giving mother the pain relief capsules 2 a day, and within an hour or so mothers pain was gone and resting well, that is the last time our mother has had pain and medication for her pain. On Feb. 2, 2013 one week from mother starting the Pain Relief capsules , my sister called and told me you know how we count to mom and she just says ok for every number 1 to 5 , well i brought mom to the store with me and when the cashier counted my change to me i was picking with mother as i always do and said 1, and she said mom just picked up from 1 and counted all the way to 10 and when she looked into my eyes ,she then began to cry with a worried look on her face. Later that evening i was reading an article on the internet that a neurologist wrote about dementia and through his studies that he found that memory lost could be reversed and the main reason for the memory lose is from inflammation in and around the brain. I called my sister and ask if she changed anything with mother and she said no just the Pain Relief capsules and the cream. I attended training 3 days later and told everyone there about my mothers testimony and heard other testimonies about how the Fast Relief and that was safe for my mother to take up to 8 a day and Darlene said that she didnt want to give mother anymore than the 2 a day , i ask if she would start mother on the bio cleanse that it will help in oxygenating her system and Darlene agreed to give her 1 a day for the fact that she takes so many pills in a day already. Last week Darlene told me that she went in mothers room to change her pull up and mother said I was just about to go to bed meaning go to sleep , but our mother stop talking in sentences a few years ago and we both were amazed by that statement. i asked Darlene if she would add one more pain relief to give mother and she said NO because she is pain free , to me that is so very awesome and to our family her being pain free is what matters the most . Mother is now much more calm , smiles often and enjoys sitting in the living room , visiting and watching television as she once did. . UPDATE ON MOTHER 2/24/13 KATHRINE TIMMONS!! Plexus Fast Relief and bio cleanse and the Xfactor MOTHER IS A LIVING , HEALTHY AND HAPPY SWEET LADY!! I can say that for the reason that mother was in and out of the hospital every month with health problems stemming from her memory loss, we were told by her doctors that she was fading quickly and there was nothing we could do! I was also in the worst health ever in my 57 years and didnt know if I were about to have a stoke or a heart attack but all that changed!!! just over a year ago I went in pray asking the lord for help with my health and to be strong with the near to be loss of my mother!, I knew mother could no longer communicated with anyone but when I could look into her eyes I felt she still knew me but each day that was fading and in prayer I was sobbing saying in prayer that the day mother didnt know me would be the day My sweet mother in my reasoning would have passed!! Within a matter of a few days is when my prayers were answered. On Sept. 20, 2012 i was introduce to this amazing product Plexus and that is how Plexus was introduced in saving my mother and extending her time with our family!!! Mother just 2 weeks ago was visiting and we chat just as we did many years ago and I stop often to praise God for his loving kindness, favor and for leading me and my family to Plexus!!! She is no longer on medications for memory loss and all other meds have been reduced to only to keep her bones strong and healthy Truly life changing produces!!! mother will be 84 yrs young this year!!!! So Blessed!! May God Bless you all!!!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:55:01 +0000

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