Hearing so much sentiments about yesterdays #SONA2014, I cant tell - TopicsExpress


Hearing so much sentiments about yesterdays #SONA2014, I cant tell much how people nowadays experience due to lack of good governance. But I am just curious to what ifs... What if we try to construct our president to do better instead of distracting him by rallying? What if we acclaim his achievements rather than accusing him for being an inefficient leader? What if we cheer him up and support his plans because we are the ones who put him in position and not bring him down through many impeachment orders? I am not against any protests or complaints about the short comings of our government. But what I want to remind everyone is that our president, PNoy Aquino, is also a human and it means that he is also imperfect as much as we do. See? The world, or the Philippines especially can be a batter place if we start being positive and if we put trust and faith into him. So for the Republic of the Philippines, why cant we do the reverse psychology? That learnt from the previous years, nothing best happened to always blaming and bringing our government down. Cant you see it becomes a cycle in our country? So lets give him a chance. Lets give ourselves a chance to view life on a brighter side. Lets construct, not distract. Lets support, not contradict. Lets trust, not doubt. Because it is in believing and hoping endlessly that we can gain something, something better in the end. And it is in ourselves that we can truly find the answers. We just need to learn how to be patient, and while waiting, we can do something productive in our life. Just saying my reflection...
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:46:07 +0000

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