Heart-breaking. The deafening silence of the so-called civilised - TopicsExpress


Heart-breaking. The deafening silence of the so-called civilised world to Israels crimes against humanity, illegal occupation, continual land theft, contravening of over 60 international laws and genocide of the Palestinians fills me with anger and despair. When people say Oh why cant they all just live in peace? Before the inception of Zionism around 100 years ago and the subsequent creation of Rothschilds Israel, Jews, Christians and Muslims did live in peace for centuries. The Muslim world was one of the places where Jews were not persecuted, pogromed and murdered and look how they are repaid! It was Christian European Anti-Semitism which persecuted, pogromed and murdered the Jews and was actively encouraged by Zionists to help the Zionist cause (read Herzls diaries). Zionists like the Rothschilds et al also funded the world wars on both sides, including Hitlers rise to power and the Holocaust, culminating in the deaths of 6 million Jews and 13 million Gentiles (rarely do we hear about those). The vast majority of Jews who were massacred did not want anything to do with Zionism and it was seen as an embarrassment and something they didnt want their children to ever be involved in, because the creation of an Israel goes directly against the teachings in the Torah. After the Holocaust, which eliminated any opposition to the creation of an Israel, the Zionists, despicably using emotional guilt against the world when they themselves were orchestral in it, were granted Palestine by the British with the Balfour Declaration (including respecting the indigenous Palestinians!), under the assurance that the they would get the USA as allies in WW2. Enter Pearl Harbour. Palestine was never a land without a people for a people without a land; it had thriving, modern cities with everything that comes with that, not to mention hundreds of thousands of Palestinians (Miko Peleds book, The Generals Son debunks many of the myths. His father was an Israeli soldier in 1948 and a General in 1967 so knows more than most). Rothschilds Israel was founded on terrorism with the expulsion of the Palestinians who for 66 years are still denied the right to return to their homes and lands they still hold deeds for, the massacres, the decimation of Palestinian towns and villages, the destruction of their heritage and holy books, the bombing of the King David Hotel by Irgun, burning synagogues and churches while dressed as Arabs to blame them (and their false flags blaming Muslims continue to this day a la Mossad - Thou shalt do war by way of deception). Rothschilds Israel was never created for any religion, except the religion of greed and control. Jews have been used as a tool for the greedy 1% to have control in the most important land in the world for all 3 Abrahamic faiths. Zionists have tried to change the Jewish faith into a political, racist, supremacist ideology as far removed from God as one can get (ask Rabbi Weiss) and they are trying their best to do the same with Islam, by creating, arming/funding hired heart-eating thugs from all over the globe of no religion, labelling them Islamists and putting it under the umbrella of Islam. Zionists are the ones who pushed for multiculturalism in Europe and the USA, knowing folks would blame each other and it would fail, while wanting only one race in Rothschilds Israel. They divide everyone with propaganda in their mainstream media (96% owned by them) to justify perpetual wars for themselves that other peoples children fight and die in, not for our freedoms, for their private banks and huge corporations. They want to eliminate religions, they want to decimate the white race and bring forward Armageddon. Zionism is the biggest threat to peace in the world. Its the enemy of Jews, Christians, Muslims and the whole of humanity. People need to open their eyes, turn off the TV and search for themselves this pack of lies sold over the years about Israel. If folks are fearful of being labelled an Anti-Semite, they neednt be... The majority of Israeli Jews are Ashkenazis, whose ancestors converted to Judaism and never set foot in the Holy land. Yet the Palestinians, whose suffering for 66 years is largely ignored, ARE Semitic and whether they are Muslims, Jews or Christians, their ancestors were more than likely Jews. The so-called Christian Zionists who profess to love Jews and call for death to all Palestinians probably never think about that. Long live Palestine!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 07:51:27 +0000

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