Heart message- 7 months ago we got the news no one wants to here, - TopicsExpress


Heart message- 7 months ago we got the news no one wants to here, after 23 years with TVA mark and any other employee with the title groundsmen or what mark was a ground foreman lost their job because the title was eliminated. I will admit I have walked in fear more than I ever imagined I would, BUT every step of the way God has remained faithful. Why? Because he is faithful! So faithful! Even with mark being unemployed he would pay his tithes every week. Any special offering pastor took up for anyone in need, mark would still give sacrificially. There have even been times where I will admit honestly that I would think to myself we dont have the money ourselves, but I never spoke that to my husband. He has the biggest heart and would do anything for anyone even if it means sacrificing himself.Where my faith was weak he remained strong. Every night we lay in bed and he would pray every night that The Lord open up the right doors for the right job. Every step of the way we have never been totally broke. We have never had to not pay a bill and never went without anything. Mark has been given the opportunity to mow many yards, the past three weeks he has been working through the union hall, and now another job has opened up for the next little while. I have had the opportunity to babysit and to clean a few houses to help out too. I thank God for using marks faith to build mine. Ive had to step down from the lifestyle Im accustomed to but it hasnt killed me.Me being the mother and the wife I worry about the future, I need to remember that God holds the future and were not promised tomorrow anyway. Just wanted to share in case there is just one out there reading this that might be struggling in someway. God has it even when we are scared. He really does have the whole world in his hands. My world and yours
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 22:37:58 +0000

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