Heart to Take Away the Enemys Ground! With the heart of letting - TopicsExpress


Heart to Take Away the Enemys Ground! With the heart of letting the ENTIRE WORLD, Believers and unBelievers in EVERY COUNTRY know that Jesus is ALIVE to LEAD HIS CHURCH, His Family, TOGETHER, DAILY, and the enormous task of seeing Christendom revolutionized into its Biblical Inheritance from her current poverty and weakness and poor building... let me quote a British “king.” History records he was outnumbered 10 to 1 before the Battle of Agincourt in the year 1415. And yet, instead of collapsing or retreating or complaining—faced with the imminent and life-threatening battle, he cried out: “Pray for not one man more to carry out this task! Let those who are now asleep rue that they are not with us to be engulfed in this glorious victory we will see this day!” .......... Faced with 1000 to 1 odds, in 1Sam. 14, Jonathan, confident of the Power of God to vanquish His enemies and obliterate all statistics and odds and “probabilities” said, “Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few!!! Attack!!!” ...And so it is, of the Children of Abraham, even now. We bow before the Holy Task, humbled by its immensity... and cry out, “The Battle is the Lord’s!!” as we run into the field of 10,000 to 1 “odds”—for His Promises and His Word STAND FOREVER. Mere men cannot stop the Ground Shaking Power of the Good News of Jesus and the Good News of the Kingdom as it slices through the reasonings and comforts and lukewarmness and traditions and threats of superstitious and self-serving humans! As Simeon has said, “My eyes have seen the Coming of the Glory of the Lord!” And we “cannot HELP but speak of the things that we’ve seen and heard!” Hallelujah! He will carry out the Completion and Fulfillment of His Word! And we will (figuratively) “Pray for not one man more to carry out this task! Let those who are asleep right now rue that they are not with us to be engulfed in this glorious victory we will see this day!” Of course, we welcome and desire and need amongst His many Gifts deposited upon men—those whom “Lord of the Harvest” desires to send and raise up. And, SURELY His grace and mercy and intervention is required every moment and every step and breath we take. But the ODDS and the THREATS and the LOSSES in “this present age” will not even slow our pace towards the Holy Goal: “That the world may know” as the “Good News of the Kingdom goes into every nation... and then the End shall come.” He is ALIVE and not a figurine on a religious shelf to be used as a lucky charm to salve our conscience and give us stuff—and then be put back on the shelf for the rest of the week. He is ALIVE, and desires ONLY ISAAC—local visible expressions of His Living Reign and Headship amongst a People who are One in daily life, as He and the Father are One. Peter: “Jesus, tell me a time and place to meet you once or twice a week for an hour or two. Other than that, ‘I love you with all my heart,’ BUT, ‘I have my own life to lead, You know.’ SO, give me a stated time block, and that’s it. That’s your official time. Other than that, I’ve got my own life to lead, you know. I’ll try to honor your teaching in the meantime, as I lead my own life—but ‘no where to lay my head?’—that’s legalistic, Jesus! And, ‘Don’t even bury my father, or say good-bye to my physical family,’ Jesus? That’s not Christian, Jesus. 24/7 as a connected, vital, interactive part of your Body, Jesus? I told you—just tell me a time and a place every week for a certain amount of time, and then I have my own life to lead until the next appointment we Give You. You’ll understand. I’ve got my own life and job and family, and you’ll have to live with that. ‘Seek FIRST the KINGDOM?’ That’s an impractical cliché. You’re just going to be on a schedule, Jesus. Other than that, I’ll try to behave. That’s how we’re going to do it Jesus.” Jesus: “(You decide what Jesus would say to that.)” NAH! With the heart of letting the ENTIRE WORLD, Believers and unBelievers in EVERY COUNTRY know that Jesus is ALIVE—to LEAD and RELATE INTIMATELY WITH HIS VISIBLE, INTERTWINED PEOPLE, DAILY... let me again quote the human ruler. Outnumbered 10 to 1 before battle, he conceded nothing to the odds or the opposition. He cried out: “Pray for not one man more to carry out this task! Let those who are asleep right now rue that they are not with us to be engulfed in this glorious victory we will see this day!” : ) “THIS is HOW all men will know you are MY Disciples: They will SEE YOU LOVING ON EACH OTHER, WITH THEIR OWN EYES!” The Battle is the Lord’s. Be there.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 11:11:37 +0000

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