Heart to heart: As an vegan, I always do want moral support from - TopicsExpress


Heart to heart: As an vegan, I always do want moral support from others who not only support what I do but also understand my position and take the same path. Its just like religous people supporting other religous people. But because I dont know anyone personally thats a vegan for ethical reasons, I find life a bit more difficult emotionally. Seeing friends who say they care about animals yet eat animals. Seeing people who say cruelty is wrong but buy meat in grocery stores like its nothing. Its difficult because even when I try to make some sense in their actions, they shake it off like my words were dust in the wind. People say my words sound mean or rude or harsh or uncomfortable. But, I say cant you see that your damage to these innocent lives are more cruel? I dont mean to be rude with my words, but just because you feel offended or hurt ... doesnt mean youre right by your actions. When it comes to people who are religous or barely religous that use Bible verses to support eating meat, read Genesis 1:29. Killing an innocent does NOT justify your belly. Friends and strangers ask me about vegan diets lack protein, and not able to body build.. how do you know this? Have you take the time to research first before coming up with ignorant statements? An internet friend that I look up to says if you dont have to kill animals why would you?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:33:38 +0000

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