Heart wrenching!!! Any ethical person should look into this!!! I - TopicsExpress


Heart wrenching!!! Any ethical person should look into this!!! I would like to bring special attention to a group of people living under extreme persecution and fear. I am speaking of African albinos!!! This group of people live in abject fear due to the backwards religious, and cultural beliefs that their body parts can be used for magical purposes!!! They are attacked and harvested by their own neighbors, and in some cases family members who see the high rewards that their body parts can fetch on a market as being too tempting to pass up!!! They live within many societies that prize them not as human beings, but as commodities for magical practice!!! It is not uncommon for them to be attacked and to have body parts removed by a mob of people!!! They suffer under conditions worse then racism, or cruel bigotry as known by western society!!! They are not even seen as human beings at any level, but as inanimate objects like a tree being harvested for its wood to make a chair!!! With all of the hate and bigotry in the world few suffer the same dehumanizing treatment that the African albinos do!!!This is a good documentary on the subject!!! For anyone thinking this kind of backwards behavior only comes from ignorant people of the third world, I would remind you of the enlightened and civilized Germans, who being the paragons of western society, and culture... murdered, experimented on, and harvested Jews, and others on an industrial scale that horrifies,palsies, and blanches the thoughts of any person rooted in ethics, or higher conscience!!! Coming from a Yiddish (German Jewish) family, I can not help but have a torn heart and a feeling of deep kinship to these albinos when I compare what they go through to what the Nazis did to my people when they dehumanized us and used us for evil medical experiments, removed our skins to make lamp shades and other objects of amusement, soap made from our body fat,harvested our teeth, and in one case a shrunken head for the amusement of an SS officer,etc!!!We were treated like objects and not as human beings too, doctors and scientists, the professional educated classes of elevated society used science and industrialization to objectify us and harvest our parts as mere inanimate objects, and used us as slave labor, as they eked out every ounce of life and hope from us!!! These Albinos live under extreme conditions that people such as ourselves in the safe harbors of Western cultures can hardly believe exist in our century!!! Their lives are an Auschwitz from which many of them do not escape!!! https://youtube/watch?v=qTawybZ4BIw
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 06:09:54 +0000

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