Heartbreak and disgust. Hamas murdered the 3 boys. The - TopicsExpress


Heartbreak and disgust. Hamas murdered the 3 boys. The Fakestinians are gloating about it, and harassing Jewish worshipers at the holiest Jewish site, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Hamas keeps shooting missiles into Israel. What happened to our pride, and fighting spirit? What happened to the basic human instinct for self-preservation? There seems to be some kind of hypnotic drug about Islam that renders all other people unable to act effectively in their own self defense. Its time to outlaw evil Islam and deport all who hold allegiance to it--or kill them all. One or the other. Anything else is slow suicide and sacrifice of our children--and these two things are expressly forbidden by the Torah. Awake, awake Deborah. We have not the right to shirk from this battle. Indeed, the same message is given in Hinduism, in the Bhagavad Gita. My FB friend Lokesh asked me what I learned from my study of it; there was so much, I didnt take the time to answer. Ill answer now. One lesson that stands out from that book is the message given by Krishna to the reluctant hero, Arjuna. No, you dont want bloodshed. You dont want to be a killer. Sometimes it is your duty to fight; then thats what you must do. When thats what is called for, that IS the fullest expression of the heart of compassion. Its time for Israel, like Arjuna, to get on the chariot in the company of the Lord, and do what it is required to do.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 22:31:33 +0000

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