Heartbreak is perhaps the worst of all ailments! Ask any lovelorn - TopicsExpress


Heartbreak is perhaps the worst of all ailments! Ask any lovelorn fool and he shall completely agree with your statement. But, is that the way to be? Can life be lived pining after the one who broke your heart? No, definitely, not! Can a broken heart really be mended? Yes indeed! Read on to know how: 1. Distract the Mind Thinking constantly about your affair and what went wrong will only lead you to depression. Try and keep the mind distracted. It could either be through work, spending time with family or indulging in other thoughts or activities. 2. Spend Time with Friends It always helps to share your grief or troubles with close friends. They will understand, and not judge you on the basis of the failure of your relationship. Moreover, relaxing, talking and simply hanging out with the buddies you are most comfortable with, will give you the chance not to become a victim of loneliness. 3. Take Up a Hobby Always wanted to learn to play the guitar, but never found the time? Take it up now! Love potting about the garden? Take it up more seriously right away! The idea is to develop an interest that will not keep you occupied for large parts of the day, but will also help your mind focus on something new and exciting. 4. Play a Sport Channelling your energies on an activity that requires not only your mental but even your physical devotion is a sure-shot way of making you feel good and get over your heartbreak more smoothly. 5. Casual Dating Go on, have fun. But remember, while a casual date may help bring you out of your troubled state of mind, going any further than that may land you up in trouble all over again. So, be careful! 6. Self-Help Books Help However philosophical or feminine this may sound, reading self-help books is a known remedy to mend a broken heart. Do some soul-searching and recognize the powers of self-healing. Whether it is a marriage that did not work out or a relationship with the girlfriend, heartbreak can be the most traumatic of experiences for any man. Simply because you are not expected to express your emotions the way women so explicitly do, does not mean you are not bleeding inside. However, it is you who can change the situation and restore the balance in your life.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 16:13:58 +0000

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