Heartbreaking to say the least. There is A LOT to learn in this - TopicsExpress


Heartbreaking to say the least. There is A LOT to learn in this industry and so many ways to cause something as tragic as this to happen without even knowing it til its way too late... I joke and mess around both on the Ground, and Tower and like to have a god time and no matter how hard Im laughing or what the guys or I am doing, Im ALWAYS watching my surroundings and know whats going on where. Situation Awareness, Common Sense(not so common these days with some) and the ability to listen to others (even if theyre new and youre seasoned) and willingness to learn are the most important key factors that determine if you, or the guy next to you or all of you are going home at the end of the day and not to the morgue. I got into this industry over 10yrs ago and obtained a respectable shit ton of experience and knowledge along the way. There are Three things I ALWAYS make sure to tell new guys, or even other seasoned vets that are new to me right from the Go... 1. Be careful not just for you, but for me and the others as well. Its a paycheck for the company but ultimately it boils down to our lives. ~A check we most certainly DO NOT want to cash til were damn good and ready~ ;) 2. Do as I say and not as I do. ** Im not going to deny the fact that when Im up top I sometimes do some highly unorthadox shit and some of the saftey guidlines (That only pertain to ME directly, & no one elses immediate saftey) that tend to be over in the grey area and are pretty much Use your best judgement kind of stuff sometimes gets disregarded. 3.Take your time, we got all day, but that doesnt mean take all day cause we got it. I want my guys to all feel comfortable and at ease. A happy crew is an efficient crew as I always say. We act and react spontaneously and irrational against our regular will in situations that are Heat of the moment, On the fly, or flatout forced to make a split second decision under pressure. No matter how much experience someone has or how many scoops he puts in his shake before lifting over 9000Lbs the cold hard facts are... We become a totally different person when we get spooked or nervous and THATS WHEN control of the situation is lost and people start getting hurt or even killed. It doesnt matter if we closed the bar down last night and started boxin or even just a simple arguement or whatever... On site you are my brother and/or sister and Ill do everything in my power to protect you as such! Were a big dysfunctional family & best of all... We get HIGH together! (-: ~ STAY SAFE & GOD BLESS ! ~ BE REALISTIC, NOT A STATISTIC!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 20:52:28 +0000

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