Heartless inability to empathize with the plights of others and - TopicsExpress


Heartless inability to empathize with the plights of others and unconscionable justifications for economic suffering of tens of millions living at low income. When you point out the lack of common courtesy and disrespect and deigning treatment an hourly wage worker receives from the owner of an LLC where a worker is treated beneath the owner and the owner views the worker not important enough to say good morning to and the worker is routinely spoken to in a hostile tone daily; an insulting tone a condescending tone...an intimidating tone. When you point out how humans are treated often by corporate bosses you are accused by conservatives of playing to emotions in a derisive tone. If you lack the capacity to empathize with how a fellow human being is affected how can you be an effective decision maker? It amazes me how conservatives consider emotions antithetical to business decisions. I ask if you cannot feel another persons fears and vulnerability, pain and suffering how can you make reasonable human decisions? I have come to the conclusion that many people drawn to conservative ideology are completely incapable of empathic emotions. I even almost see a sinister side to people who discard emotive appeals as a play to human weakness. To be honest with everyone nearly every conservative I know judges the quality of a human life by how much of a bank account they have...
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:52:39 +0000

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