Hearts and minds? We want a change in behavior and policy, not - TopicsExpress


Hearts and minds? We want a change in behavior and policy, not so much a change in hearts and minds. Changing hearts and minds are important - very- however, civil rights battles were never won by changing the hearts and minds of the majority, of the many. What we are after, what any advocate is after is changing behavior or if you like policy and/or laws. If the suffragists had desired to change hearts and minds and waited for this mythical phenomena to occur ... women would still be denied the vote. Instead, they (the suffragists) rallied, educated, and engaged in peaceful acts of civil disobedience, were arrested, participated in hunger strikes and spent lengthy periods in prison. For justice. Did this change hearts and minds? Yes it did, but more importantly it challenged the moral/ethical status quo of the day, changing the policies, behavior and the habits of those that mattered. They (the suffragists) generated enough noise to (yes) allocate shame and demand accountability - and it was the latter criteria that brought about the 19th amendment to the constitution (in this country) and similar revisions to laws in other nations permitting women to vote. Yes, of course we want to change hearts and minds (and education is very important here), but the primary objective is to shine a light on darkness, whether it changes hearts and minds is secondary. The intent is to change the laws... yes, by asking for accountability and yes by leveraging shame. Murder of Earth is shameful. We will point it out. Not in a way that vilifies, but in a way that says, this must end and it must end - yesterday - we are better people than this and so are you! Elephant, I fight for you, we fight for you, all of us fight for you, not to change hearts and minds, no, we fight so that you may have justice, so you may live, so you too may call the Earth your home, just as we do. USA, no more trade in ivory. BAN it. China, no more trade in ivory and SHUT DOWN YOUR CARVING FACTORIES, they are factories of death. Tusks are life, Ivory is death. Crush the trade.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:12:35 +0000

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