Hearty congratulation of the recent ordination of the Roman - TopicsExpress


Hearty congratulation of the recent ordination of the Roman Catholic priest of the Gambia. First I thank my God for adding another servant into His vineyard, and to all Roman Catholic parents and fellow Gambians in home and abroad. Lets keep praying for more vocation for our young people and also to our young ladies in the Gambia. May God bless all your efforts. With this congratulately message along side it goes my greatest aspiration for the great mission minded Roman Catholics of the Gambia. My recent visit to my beloved country (the Gambia), I have realized and acknowledged the great strides, planning and the strategic growth of the Roman Catholic work in the Gambia and I pray that other Christian mission bodies will emulate the good, and progressive and strategic planning of the Roman Catholic work in the Gambia and the diaspora. I truly give thanks to the leadership and all priest of their various vocation. May it please the Lord that other Christian denominations would be influenced by the Roman Catholic stategic planning and dynamic progress, to God be the glory. And blessings to all. May God bless the mission work in the Gambia and may God bring us great harvest in that land blessings to all of you and again hearty congratulation to the newly ordained blessings to all.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 03:34:50 +0000

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