Heaven and its description: There are eight Gardens: The first - TopicsExpress


Heaven and its description: There are eight Gardens: The first is the Abode ofMajesty, and it is of white pearl. The second is the Abode of Peace, and it is of red ruby. The third is the Abode of Shelter, and it is of green chrysolite. The fourth is the Garden of Immortality, and it is of red and yellow coral. The fifth is the Garden of Bliss, and it is of white silver. The sixth is the Garden of Firdaws, and it is of red gold. The seventh is the Garden of Adn, and it is of white pearl. The eighth is the Abode of Rest, and it is of red gold, and it is the dome of the Gardens, and it is raised over the Gardens. It has two gates, and the two leaves are of gold and silver. Between each of the two leaves is what is between the heaven and earth. It is built of gold and silver bricks. Its mud is musk and its earth is amber and its straw is saffron. Its castles are of pearl and its rooms are of ruby. Its doors are of jewels, and in it are rivers. There is the River of Mercy which flows in all the Gardens, and its pebbles are pearls, with a white brighter than snow, and it is sweeter than honey. In it is the River of Kawthar (Abundance), and it is the river of our Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him. Its trees are pearls and rubies. In it is the River of Kafur (Camphor), and the River of Tasnim (Water Coming From Above), and the river of Salsabil (Easy to Swallow), and the River of ar-Rahiq al-Maktum (Sealed Nectar). Beyond that are rivers whose number is not known. Daqaiqul-akhbar fi Dhikril-Jannati wan-Narby Imam Abd ar-Rahim ibn Ahmad al-Qadi, pp. 125-6 May we be among the inhabitants of Jannah! AMEEN DUA FOR JANNAH: O Allah, I ask You for PARADISE and seek Your protection from the FIRE Allaahumma innee asalukal-jannata wa aoothu bika minan-naar.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 12:44:30 +0000

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