Heavenly Father! As we wake up into another week of adventures, we - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father! As we wake up into another week of adventures, we have so many things to be thankful for in our lives. We thank You for our families, our friends and the fact that You are right here beside us. We thank You that You have already gone before us and prepared our day and our week for us. Help us to walk that narrow road that leads to Your Kingdom. We open up our hearts and our lives to You. Fill us with the Holy Spirit. Help us to hear Your voice as You convict and instruct us along our journey today. Help us to keep our eyes on You as we take on the challenges of this day. Help us to find favor with everyone we meet. Each one of us are struggling with challenges that encourage us to depend upon You for leadership and guidance. We pray that as we wait for You to deliver our answers, that we will realize that You are right there beside us. We pray that as we focus on Your Kingdom and Your love for us, our challenges and struggles will grow strangely dim, in the light and Your glory and grace. Help us to stand in the midst of these storms for we know that these storms do not come to us accept that they have been approved by You. Help us to be mindful of those who are hurting around us. Help us to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit as we become Your voice, heart and vessel to reach out to help meet their needs. We pray for those who are struggling with physical and spiritual infirmities. Heal them and deliver them in the name of Jesus. We pray for those who are needing a job, send them to the job that You have prepared for them. We continue to pray for Ramon Mendoza. Encourage him and heal him. We are still believing in a miracle for this young man. We pray for those who have lost loved ones. Hold them in Your arms and help them find comfort and peace in the midst of Your relationship with them. We pray for those who are struggling with a broken heart. Hold them in Your loving arms. Help them to find Your unconditional love for them. We pray that we will find favor with everyone we meet today. We pray for Bennett Smitherman. We pray that You will reach down from Heaven and restore and bring complete healing to this little boy. Give his mom and dad strength as they wait for You to bring forth this miraculous healing. We pray for Jordan Montelongo. We pray that she will be able to carry this baby to full term and that the baby will be strong and nurtured by the Holy Spirit. We pray for Victoria Soto and her son Daniel. We pray that as he is having more problems with the cancer, we pray that You will heal his body and restore his strength to him. In the name of Jesus, we command the cancer to be gone and that he will be healed in Jesus name. We pray for every person struggling with cancer, that they will be healed and delivered by the Blood of Jesus. Forgive us of our sins. We ask this in Jesus precious and Holy name. Amen!!
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 11:48:12 +0000

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