Heavenly Father I pray for the people of Japan. I pray that you - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father I pray for the people of Japan. I pray that you protect them for the natural disasters that often that they undergo. I pray that you will protect them from any more radiation leak for their nuclear reactors. I pray that this nation can find peace under the shelter of your wing during this uncertain time in financial and inter-national time. I pray that people would not loses hope and comment suicide, but instead that they you find that they are greatly valued by God as “fearfully and wonderfully made.” I pray that their government will be godly, righteous, and just. I pray that the people will be open to the gospel. I pray that they will see the meaninglessness of their ancient Shinto and Buddhist religion. I pray that they would find and open themselves up to hope, meaningful, and love of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray also for the people that are Bahai, Muslims, Hindis, Judais, Ryukuans, Jainis, and Taios that they would see the light of the gospel and be saved from their sins and false religion. I pray that church can be light to these people. I pray that church can be a symbol of hope to this dark world. I pray that church would be united and strong. I pray that the Holy Spirit would empower and equip the church to minister and reach out to the people with the gospel. I pray that missionaries would be sent that have heart for the people of Japan. I pray that church would adept itself to reach the people of Japan. I pray church would not too caught up in tradition but adapted to the changing culture of Japan. I pray that Christians in Japan would have a passion to attended church regularly and share the gospel with people around them. Christians in Japan would have active, mature, and alive faith in God. I pray that the church in Japan would transform their nation for God. Heavenly Father, O Yahweh I left up the people of Japan to you. operationworld.org/japa
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 15:16:59 +0000

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