Heavenly Father. Thank You for this day. Open up the heavens and - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father. Thank You for this day. Open up the heavens and pour out Your Holy Spirir upon each of us. Help us to hear Your voice and give each of us guidance as we go through this day. Help us to hear Your voice as we need direction and guidance in our lives. We pray for the person who is struggling in their relationship with You. We pray for every person who is struggling in any kind of relationship. Hold sunken Your arms and give each of us guidance as we need to know how to handle every relationship we struggle with each day. Bless us in our comings and our going. Help us to walk according to Your Word and help us to keep our focus on You as we journey through this day. We pray for those who are sick physically and spiritually. Heal their bodies and restore their strength. We thank You for our jobs and for the many provisions You give us each day. Help us to stay focused on Your Word and our relationship with You. Help us to have discerning spirits as we walk this journey of faith. Help us to find favor with everyone we meet today. We pray that we will be able to be used by You as we want to be Your voice and, Your hand and feet in this world. Go before us and open the doors that need to be opened and close the doors that need to be closed. Forgive us of our sins and where we have failed You. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 13:15:04 +0000

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