Heavenly Father, Thank for blessing me with an amazing wife who - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father, Thank for blessing me with an amazing wife who I love completely, cherish and desire. Protect her as she works today serving customers and mentoring all those around her. Watch over her as she engages in a hurting world, even though she is struggling with her own hurts and fears for her brother. Set your Angels about her fr surely she will be attacked by the enemy as she ministers to others. I pray in the Holy name of Jesus Christ that all evil which comes against her be destroyed in the very manner it seeks to destroy. I pray she will feel your protection around her and that this will bring her confidence and power to be bold in her work for You. Help her be productive, efficient, focused, authentic, engaging, and loving as you bring others to her areas of influence. If she should feel inadequate, insignificant, insecure, fearful, exhausted, isolated, or unimportant, help her to know these are works of the enemy and he has no dominion over her. Bring her encouragement, empowerment, and peace in her heart from the absolute knowledge that you are in Heaven with your hand on all things. Thank you for Your work in our lives. The gift of having each other. Thank you for the friends you have blessed her with that affirm her and minster to her. Thank you for those you have brought to her for her ability to see their pain and minister to them in Your name. Please provide her with more Godly women to surround her, mentor her, listen to her, appreciate her, and that will minster to her. Please continue molding me into the man she deserves. I love my wife as You love the Church, and will lay down my life for her. Bless her today in a mighty way, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:00:32 +0000

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