Heavenly Father, We come to you and we lift up the broken-hearted - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father, We come to you and we lift up the broken-hearted to you. There are so many who are struggling to understand the reasons why things went wrong. Lord, for those who are wondering what happened to the person they knew… please give them peace to replace the questions. For those who are wondering how a person could change so much and in such a short time…please help them to realize and accept, that there are just some things we will never have answers to in this life. Help them to focus on you, instead of the unanswered questions, Lord…for those who want to know why “they weren’t enough” for the person they loved…help them to see, this wasn’t about them or their inadequacies, it was about their mate and their problems…Sometimes there are things we could change or improve, but with some people, it wouldn’t matter if we did absolutely everything right, things would still end the same way. For those who have been crushed by lies, deceit, betrayal and hurtful words, we ask that you would heal the wounds and help them to find their worth in you…help them to have courage to face the new reality they find themselves in… please help them not to be stuck in the place of unforgiveness, anger or bitterness. Please Lord, replace the longing they have for things to be the way they used to be… help them to accept what can’t be changed. May they feel your presence as they walk this unknown, scary, dark road. Lord, for all those who now find themselves starting over and in financial difficulties, we ask that you would provide for them and help them find a new trust in you…may they truly come to know that you will look after them. May they find your loving hand of provision and claim your promise that you have a good plan for them. For those who are forced to see their children split up in visitation and custody issues…we pray for the children and ask for your protection over them and healing for them… please give comfort to the parents who now must split their time…oh Lord, please comfort them all. For the children who have been abandoned when their parent moved on, please help them to know it’s not their fault and help them find support and encouragement, so they won’t have to deal with a life time of issues dealing with rejection and abandonment. Please, Lord, meet each need, spoken and unspoken. Lord, divorce was never part of your plan…it’s not something you want, but there is sin in the world and free will and Satan is always seeking to destroy any way he can. For any marriages that can be restored, we ask for that and ask you to move mountains… change hearts and bring restoration… heal memories and please do what only you can. Lord, for those who have lost loved ones and friends in the wake of divorce, we ask for you to bring others to stand beside them… to love and encourage them. For the lonely nights, we pray that you’ll be so real and so present, Lord…may they be comforted by your presence and your unconditional love for them. Lord, when two are joined together you meant for them to be one and it hurts when torn apart, but you are our healer. You are near to the brokenhearted and you bind their wounds. You see each tear, you hear each cry, you are able to do everything we can’t, Lord. Give them courage, give them strength, fill them with love from you which is more fulfilling than any human’s love. Go before them and protect them in every way and may they feel in their hearts and minds that there is hope because of you. Bless each one, Lord we pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen Things will get better friends. I have walked in your shoes and I know it hurts and you are raw and you don’t see an end in sight, but God is faithful and Jeremiah 29:11 is true for all of us. You will make it through this pain that is so devastating. He does turn our mourning to joy!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 12:05:22 +0000

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