Heavenly Father thank you for waking me up this morning.When you - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father thank you for waking me up this morning.When you spend a lot of time with someone, you are forming a bond. Through whatever you do together – eating, traveling, working.But it is time for us to ask ourselves are we loosing our soul in the relationship not saying you have to have a holier than though attitude but what kind of shape does the relationship put our soul in. Im talking about relationships with family friends boyfriend girlfriend. In some instance, it could open an opportunity for Satan to work on you because we tie ourselves to relationships that will take us out of the will of God and the devils evil power is intensified.We gotta have daily doses of God’s Word in order to develop the strength to sever relationships that put our soul in jeopardy. Its time for us to cut those ties we cant do this on our own. Filling ourselves with God’s Word can help us make the right decisions. It must be a part of our strategic plan to be free of our past. I have found the bible is my greatest weapon against Satan. He does not want you to break our bad soul ties. He is desperately working to keep us locked into bad relationships.The devil will lie to you and convince you that you cannot live without him/her. He will remind you day and night of all the good times, the fun times, the laughter, and torment you into thinking you cant live without this person. He is a liar.God’s Word, the Truth, will override Satan’s lies. Just like anything else,we won’t see results overnight. We have to make studying the Word a habit and you decide your habits, your habits will decide your future But the more we deny our self the thing that you are screaming for, the less you begin to desire it. your flesh will eventually stop throwing temper tantrums and will start being subsided by the Spirit of God.There are many ways to wean yourself off of an ungodly soul tie. Doing this is being obedient to God and you will never regret submitting to your Heavenly Father. God always blesses obedience. Remember this: partial obedience is still disobedience. Disobedience opens the door for a curse to come on your life. Its time for us to fully obey what we know God is telling us to do. I dont know about anyone else I want to be blessed not cursed!!! Have a blessed day everyone I love you guys!!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:56:22 +0000

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