Heavenly Father, we approach thy this day in the matchless name of - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father, we approach thy this day in the matchless name of Jesus, thanking you for our existence that resulted because of nothing that had to do with us, but everything that had to do with you, & we are forever grateful. Father God, we ask that if there be anything in us that displeases you & hinders us from totally & completely surrendering to your will & your way, that you; Jehovah Shalom, our Prince of Peace, will remove it from us, & no longer allow us to be in our own way! When we merely think of all that youve done & all that you are, our souls cry out from within, Hallelujah! Your love & all of its perfection, can & will never be imitated nor duplicated, & we, while apart of this daily struggle of attempting to live a sin free lifestyle, honor & esteem you as we pay homage to the act of you giving your only begotten son over to death in order that we may have life, nobody is greater than you! Knowing you to be the Alpha & Omega, we thank you in advance for what youre going to do through, to, & in our lives! Allow us to embrace & render forgiveness to our brethren as such you have, & do constantly with us! Allow your light to so shine brightly in our lives, that the spectators in whom you have encamped about us might eagerly inquire about you, use us as you see fit! Although we could go on without ceasing, we will draw this prayer to a close by asking you continue to keep your hedge of protection around us, grace us with your traveling mercies, & allow us to be kind to others & others to be kind to us, in Jesus name we pray.....Amen!!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 15:32:15 +0000

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