Heavy advice to Muslim converts Summary: Beware of present day - TopicsExpress


Heavy advice to Muslim converts Summary: Beware of present day born muslims. Their Islam is disastrous. Mostly tradition. Beware of present day Islam that is currently followed. Its not the same as the original that the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him brought and which the rightly guided companions followed. It got changed into monarchy and kingship and the right of electing a leader (Shura) was dismantled and has been to this day. The Arab spring is the beginning of restoring this right. And its been heavily resisted by the current monarchical regimes. True Islam is trying to return. We are in false Islam at present. Please beware. Characteristics of false Islam: 1-Priest worship (ie we do everything the Sheikh says instead of looking to see what Allah says in Its book) Eg Allah says people are free in their belief and there is no compulsion in the deen. But priests say kill those who leave Islam. And even though the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him let one of the companions leave Islam and did not kill or harm him. But muslims worship priests so they dont think and check. Its easier to follow a priest. This is the dark ages. And we are in it. True Islam not yet returned but is emerging slowly. There is a saying of the prophet peace be upon him that the muslims will follow the way of the people of the book ie Jews and Christians. And the Christians worshiped their priests because they obeyed them blindly. 2-False hadiths are planted for political reasons. Especially those that help in removing opposers to the monarchical rule. Eg by labeling those who oppose kingship as outlaws (khawarij) and marking khawarij as kuffar (unbelievers) and marking unbelievers as Ok to kill, this way the priests enable the kings to kill all those who question the current political structure and oppose him. And in this way you get Islam turning from a regime of mercy to a regime of draconian oppression. This happened since 1000 years ago when a companion called Muawiya became Caliph (ruler) and made his son ruler by force. And till this day this is existing especially in Saudi and other gulf states. A new convert may think Saudi is a great place. But if they look at who is in their prisons they will see a different picture. This is the situation for most of the Muslim countries, especially the Arab ones. 3-We need to realise that the hadiths (sayings of the prophet) and the books of hadith are not preserved from changed like how the quran is. This means corrupt rulers with their corrupt priests can alert hadiths and create new ones such as killing of unbelievers is allowed or killing of those who leave Islam is right etc because it is politically convenient to preserver their thrown. Yes, Its all politics. Love of the world and love of power. So even sahih (authentic) books can have deliberately inserted false hadiths. Because at the end of the day it is the King who has full publisher control over ALL books except the quran. That is why they try to side line the quran and make people focus on hadith and dont want them to ponder deeply the quran. Because it will reveal their political corruption and their distortion of the deen. Instead people are taught to memorise it but not bother about understanding it. 4-The issue of sects. In the good time of Islam ie the prophets time and the rightly guided caliphs (aka khilafa Rashida) there were no sects I believe. We were all just muslims but had different opinions about things. Different schools of thoughts maybe (madhabs) but all just belonged to one sect if you like, called Islam. But after this good period ie when Muawiya took power the first two sects emerged and the splitting continued from then I believe. Splitting leads to disunity and weakness. You will see each present day muslim telling you their sect is the true one and all the rest are false sect. My advice is to ignore sects and those who call for them and concentrate on being a good Muslim. Aiming to please one Creator, Allah and leave those who want to argue to argue. All the prophets were just Muslim. They didnt care about sects and were against division and were pro unity. So we should be talking about how to unite, not how to stay divided. But the priests dont like this and want the muslims to stay divided add this keeps them employed by their masters. If the muslims unite they will want to have one leader and that means the current ones will lose their thrown. So again we are back to politics and you can see how corrupted many of our Sheikhs (priests) are today. The ones who are not corrupted are the ones who talk and call for unity. The ones who keep talking about sects and hire theirs is superior etc are most Likely to be the corrupt ones. So beware. An important point: How is it that the muslims and the Muslim land is in such a bad state and seems to be receiving problem after problem eg invasions, floods, evil dictatorship etc? My answer is that Allah is giving the muslims the smaller punishment so as to help us realise that we have strayed far away from true Islam (the Islam of they prophet and the rightly guided caliphs) were muslims were interested in the affairs of the muslims and even humanity and wanted to choose the best leadership to implement the guidance of our loving Allah so that justice would exist and goodness could come and that evil would be removed from the earth. Until we muslims get our act together and move away from the harsh and hate filled Islam that many priests peddle, to the loving but strong and fair Islam that a minority of true scholars teach then we are set to receive more punishment I believe. Allah says: And we will taste them some of the smaller punishment rather than the bigger one (hell I think) in the hope they will return (to the right path or to Allah) و لنذيقنهم من العذاب الادنى دون العذاب الاكبر لعلهم يرجعون. There is more to say and I will try to add more later inshaAllah. Hopefully this will give you an idea of the current state of affairs. Feel free to ask me any questions etc Some examples of good scholars: * Khalid Yasin (US) - Check this youtu.be/5_GdCsZavf8 * Nouman ali khan (US) * Mufti Menk (talks about unity) And finally remember that your aim is not to please the muslims. It is to please Allah. Our loving Creator. So we should busy ourselves with that. Artcle link is here alitwaij-eng-m.blogspot/2013/12/heavy-advice-to-muslim-converts.html #The_way_it_is
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:33:52 +0000

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