Hebrew 13:1-3(New Living Translation)NLT Concluding Words 1 Keep - TopicsExpress


Hebrew 13:1-3(New Living Translation)NLT Concluding Words 1 Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. 2 Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! 3 Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies. Christians, have the heart of love to others as you love yourself, that is the greatest commandment we should/can always obey. Some people say they love their neighbour, but they do what hurt those around them, some people say they love their neighbour, they rather say what discourages them than to appreciate them, some people say, they love, but will never tell someone next to them about Christ, some people say they love themselves, when they see that person they say I just hate this person and you think you have the love of Christ in you, no, you possess and inherit the love of the world and not Love of Christ. If you love your neighbour, possess the habit of Christ, the way he lives his life, read of Christ and do as he does, then your love will please God, but anything aside the love of Christ is of the world. Be on guard This is where/what some people hate, showing hospitality to themselves(neighbours), when they see poor people talking to them(you know yourself, other things too) they rather chase the poor people out of their sight and make the rich move closer to them. If you are that kind of person, you are causing yourself a big trouble because you will not know who your helper might be. Some people cannot give those that dont have anything, they rather let them ask first I need this before they can give that thing out. You know they need this and you cant volunteer what you have to that second person is wickedness and not love. Remember, God is the only one that knows when Jesus is coming back again, if you are expecting someone to tell you to show hospitality, you are waisting your time, it is the bible that will give you the clue on how to show hospitality, but if you dont read your bible, how do you want to show hospitality(Leviticus 1933) Lastly, those that are in the prison, are you checking on them, if you are not checking on them, are you praying for them, if you dont consider these things, you dont have the love of Christ in you, take care of those in prison, by taking care of them(through prayer, visiting, sending provisions) that is the lifestyle of a Christian, by doing that you are showing love to others and your Kingdom above is expanding to mansion. But it is not everybody that knows that, they rather say (Se, emi ni mo ko ba ni: Was I the one who sent him to prison/was I the one that told him to steal or kill someone). Dont worry, you will know on that day of judgment, maybe they stole or not. Also, dont say because someone did something bad to you, you want to do your own back, if you do, you are not practicing love, but destruction upon yourself because you dont know when you will die. Is it because this(could be anybody) person stole from you, you dont want to help him/her. The question is :have you not stolen from God before? When you know they start church service by 10:00, you are now coming majestically at 10:30, are not stealing the time? Be wise, think of what will make Jesus happy, not persecuting him the second time on the cross. Everything is centered on one thing, which is love. You will tell God and pray like this Lord, the grace to love you more, lord grant unto me in the name of Jesus, the grace to love others as you loved me lord grant unto me in the name of Jesus, Lord if there are something that am doing that am not showing love, forgive me and call me to order in the name of Jesus................(As the Spirit leads you). Thank you Jesus for answered prayer, for in Jesus mighty name I pray(Amen). The Kingdom of heaven is near, show love to others and you will receive your inheritance on that last day Enjoy your day.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 05:25:24 +0000

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