Hebrews 12:4 “you have not resisted sin until blood shed” I - TopicsExpress


Hebrews 12:4 “you have not resisted sin until blood shed” I think Namibia appointed time has now arrived to applied the means Paul had used and expose or condemn many, many organization or denomination that has almost swept Namibia. Must we confront or compromise? Is compromising a solution to spiritual critical issues like these? Matthew 7:15-21 Namibian contemporaries born-again has ended up compromising (just preach and don’t speak people’s or churches’s names) they had backed up these false teachers, pastors, so-called priests, false bishops, philosophers, (Matthew 23) and so many to steal the key of (Knowledge Luke 11:52) of innocent zealous beloved Namibian and resulted became innocent victims for not knowing God’s righteousness, Romans 10:1-4, Romans 1:16-17, Matthew 3:15, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11. Historically, as it is written in Namibian History books also worldly of which are commonly applied in Namibian’s school (if they don’t want the truth, must republish and continue promoting lies), it is recorded how so-called Christianity (churchanity without Christianity is vein before God) came to be introduced in Namibia as Lutherans, this is how his teaching is called and catholic which is now legalized, recognized and dominant almost in Namibia. Ruther Promoted Catholicism INFANT BAPTISM and initiated BAPTISMAL REGENERATION, in other words you must be baptized in order to be saved. He also taught that communion was a sacrament because it imparts grace to the believer. I would suggest understanding Luther more fully you read Luthers Large Catechism and Paul Altaus book The Theology of Martin Luther. Ruther’s ignorant, willingly and captured alive Pastors (2 Timothy 4:26) by Ruther’s dogma are now promoting this. INFANT BAPTISM and BAPTISMAL REGENERATION is now dominant here in Namibia and has bred confusion in Namibian and are unable to discern (1 Corinthians 2:14) the will that is accepted to God (Romans 12:1-2), confusion in the families, (parents force their married son\daughter, to have their infants baptized, biblical point of view, Romans 10:17 states “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the words of God” Mark 16:17). Infant’s baptism is straight from hell!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 14:47:37 +0000

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