Heeeeellllllooooo! I survived a day full of lovelies AND two - TopicsExpress


Heeeeellllllooooo! I survived a day full of lovelies AND two meetings, BAM in yo face. Ha - it wasnt that smooth, considering I came home to take a big-arse Aleve (if heads were detachable mine would have been laying on the countertop) & lay on the heating pad because my hip was killing me...but on the positive I am not coughing up a lung (or having to exceed the limits of my kegel exercising capabilities) and I didnt bring any work home. My new routine (not calling them resolutions as that will surely doom me to failure): 1. Drink at least 90 oz. of water & move more (my fitbit Flex is here to remind me of that!) 2. No more than one caffeinated drink per day (and damn, I could have used one this afternoon but refrained --what? Is that applause I hear? Why thank you, youre too kind!) 3. Leave all school work AT school 4. Bedtime routine: shower (Sleepy Tea shower gel/lotion combo), sleepy time tea, & NO electronics once I am in the bed. 5. An attempt at meditating or repetitive prayer to wind down, destress & clear my head. Note: I dont know about yall but I have a difficult enough time shutting the ol noggin down at night, much less over-stimulating it with FB trolling, thus the reason for no electronics - but I will still read an actual page turning book before bed...I am human, for goodness sake. How about you, any new routines for the new year?
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 23:59:47 +0000

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