Hehh.... finally the competition was over....eventhough we r not - TopicsExpress


Hehh.... finally the competition was over....eventhough we r not the winner of the competition...but we win the experience as we still junior...we still hve a lot of time to participate this kind of competition.... anyway..Thx my dear friends Lilen Goh, Charlotte Tikon,and Wajihah Amirah 4 spending lots of their time to practiced...n last but not least Micheal Foo....thx very very very much because without u we would not stand on the stage today.... Sorry....if I too GARANG...XD Sorry....if u kena marah dek cikgu*especially micheal foo* SORRY n thank you.... Remember"失败是成功之母" Next time... Fighting!!^_^
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 08:10:13 +0000

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