Helderberg NA outcomes for 11/19 meetingMeeting Outcomes - TopicsExpress


Helderberg NA outcomes for 11/19 meetingMeeting Outcomes -November 19, 2014 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM HNA Public Neighborhood Meeting Introductions All present introduced themselves. Announcements from the HNA Board What has been happening with the Board? Retired members: Since the beginning of the year, the following Board members retired: Greg Coons (Chair); Jackie Lombardo (Vice Chair); Steve Kohn (Treasurer); Debbie Schramek (Communications Director); Robin Wheeler (Secretary) New Chair: Eric Huntington was appointed to be the new Chair by the remaining Board Members in October 2014. Eric has lived in the Helderberg Neighborhood since 2010. He purchased a home with his partner on Hollywood Avenue in September. His son is 18 years old and started college at Le Moyne in Syracuse this fall. Eric has worked in Albany for New York State since the 1980s. Board Re-appointment in January 2015 - It was noted that all Board Members had expressed the desire to continue serving in their current positions. Board Members will be up for annual re-appointment in January at the next public neighborhood meeting. Re-appointment is by majority vote of HNA membership present at the meeting. Please note, ANY position on the Board (filled or vacant) is by majority vote of the membership at this meeting! Open Board Positions - As noted in the last couple newsletters, the Association has vacant Board positions: Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. You can find descriptions at the end of these meeting outcomes. If interested, contact Eric H at hna@hnaalbany or by calling him at 518.334.3028. Rezoning of entire City of Albany starting - Eric H noted that Mayor Kathy Sheehan has announced the launch of ReZone Albany - The Vibrant City Initiative. This is a major city-wide rezoning and coding update, the largest of its kind since 1968. It will be consistent with the city-wide plan, Albany 2030, and is expected to take 2 years to complete. HNA Membership / Announcements & Concerns Newsletter - It had been announced at the May meeting, all newsletters would be delivered electronically, while a small number would be printed and left at neighborhood locations for pick-up, such as businesses and the library. Some expressed that paper delivery to all addresses in the neighborhood was important, especially for making the HNA known to new residents and for those members who did not use email. The Board took this as an action item to discuss further and will report to the membership. Meeting Frequency & Duration - It was noted by some members that it would be ideal if meetings were held every other month and the duration was kept to one (1) hour. It was felt this would increase participation. The Board will implement this suggestion for 2015. Membership Dues & Renewals - The current membership and dues collection process is under review. It was noted the current process of renewing at the start of the year was unfair to those who join late in the year. It was felt a more flexible dues collection and membership application / renewal process, akin to a magazine subscription, would better suit todays residents and businesses. The Board took this as an action item to discuss further and will report to the membership. Police Department Update by Office Gary Tucker Officer Tucker shared handouts showing criminal activity in the City. The Helderberg Neighborhood shows almost no criminal activity, which is a good thing. Office Tucker noted an alert resident on South Main St called the police after spotting two young men on bikes that seemed to be out of character for the neighborhood. It turned out the men had burglary tools on their person and were arrested. Remember, if you see something, say something! That is what the police are for. Office Tucker also noted that Grove St. residents had formed their own Community Watch - like council to keep an eye on their street. Officer Tucker also reviewed some safety tips for the holidays, such as locking doors, keeping GPS systems and packages out of plain view in your vehicle and to consider installing motion detector lights. Also, when disposing of packaging of purchases or gifts that may attract the attention of criminals (like that new curved LED television!), cut it into small pieces and put it in a dark, non-transparent garbage bag. Common Council Update by Hon. Judy Doesschate and Hon. Catherine Fahey. Hon. Doesschate stated she felt the ReZone Albany initiative would not significantly impact the Helderberg neighborhood, but, as always, it is important that the public stay informed and engaged about civic matters. Traffic Light Cameras - The city will be installing cameras at traffic lights at about 30 intersections. It is the goal of the city to have all intersections identified by the end of the year. It was noted that the cameras were being installed to improve safety, and that their benefits outweigh the risks. Meeting Wrapup The following decisions were made and action times were assigned: Meetings will now occur 6 times a year. The next meeting is January 21 2015. (Always 3rd Wednesday of the month unless otherwise noted). Reminder: Board members are re-appointed and/or elected at the January meeting. Newsletter distribution, membership process - HNA Board to discuss and report out at next meeting Meeting Attendees Neighborhood & Other Organizations:(in order of sign-in) Karen Schupack Keith Irish Maria Serna Zora Hechehoche Grace Farrell Paul Rees-Rohrbacher A? McGuire Chris Halpin Debra Schramek HNA Board Present Eric Huntington, Chair Margarita Perez, Outreach Director Eric Straus, Communications Director Presenters in Attendance Hon. Judy Doesschate (Ward 9) Hon. Catherine Fahey (Ward 7) Officer Gary Tucker (Beat Officer, Helderberg) -- Helderberg Neighborhood Association hna@hnaalbany
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 17:19:28 +0000

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