Helena peace/justice events Oct 15-18 sponsored by various - TopicsExpress


Helena peace/justice events Oct 15-18 sponsored by various organizations ...and shared by Helena Service for Peace and Justice (SERPAJ, https://facebook/HelenaSERPAJ): ... Oct 15, 6pm: David Barsamian talk, Warfare State -- Public Talk sponsored by The Helena Vigilante at the Holter Museum of Art, 12 E Lawrence in Helena Also: 10/14 in Bozeman (at The Country Bookshelf) and 10/16 in Livingston (at Elk River Books) alternativeradio.org/pages/speaking-engagements … Oct 15, 7pm: Eric Stimson: Slide Show and Discussion, Pursuing Humane Borders (and Global Potluck) at Covenant United Methodist Chruch, 2330 E. Broadway, across from the hospital. ... Oct 15 Day of Action: Action Request: Sign and deliver a Petition to Press Congress to debate and vote on the US’s Iraq/Syria war Action request from Just Foreign Policy (justforeignpolicy.org/act/progressive-caucus-iraq-syria) Wed, Oct 15: Day of Action on Iraq/Syria… Sign the petition and join the delivery at 31+ local congressional offices ... Oct 18, 4pm: Dances of Universal Peace: Gather at 4:00, dance for 1 1/2 hours, and then socialize over soups and bread. at Covenant United Methodist Church across from the hospital, 2300 Broadway. MORE DETAILS FOR EACH EVENT -- BELOW… ________________________________________ ... Oct 15, 6pm -7:30pm: David Barsamian talk, Warfare State -- Public Talk sponsored by The Helena Vigilante at the Holter Museum of Art, 12 E Lawrence in Helena -- Vigilante Facebook event page: https://facebook/events/714690828612173/?source=1 The Helena Vigilante wrote: As bombing escalates (once again) in the Middle East, join award-winning Alternative Radio (AR,) host David Barsamian, in this probing analysis of U.S. global militarism. AR is a weekly one-hour public affairs program (Monday 1pm) offered free to all public radio stations in the US, Canada, Europe and beyond. AR provides information, analyses and views that are frequently ignored or distorted in other media. Barsamian offered this introduction to his talk The Warfare State: Joseph Schumpeter wrote a century ago, There was no corner of the world where some interest was not alleged to be in danger or under actual attack. If the interests were not Roman, they were of Romes allies, and if Rome had no allies, then allies would be invented. When it was utterly impossible to contrive such an interest -- why, then it was the national honor that was insulted. The fight was always invested with an aura of legality. Rome was always being attacked by evil-minded neighbors. The whole world was pervaded by a host of enemies, and it was manifestly Romes duty to guard against their indubitably aggressive designs. Just substitute United States for Rome today and see if there is some resonance. The Helena Vigilante: If youre not familiar with Alternative Radio, check out this list of speakers Barsamian has written books with or featured on his show over the years: Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy, Vandana Shiva, Cornel West, Carlos Fuentes, Glenn Greenwald and on and on and on.... MORE about David Barsamian and Alternative Radio at alternativeradio.org ________________________________________ … Oct 15, 7pm: Eric Stimson: Slide Show and Discussion, Pursuing Humane Borders (and Global Potluck, 6pm) at Covenant United Methodist Chruch, 2330 E. Broadway, across from the hospital. In September, Eric Stimson of Helena spent two weeks on the Arizona-Mexico border with faith-based groups who are working on humanitarian aid to prevent migrant deaths in the Arizona desert. Come participate in a dialogue. 6pm Potluck in fellowship hall and 7 pm talk and slide show More information: Contact JoAnn Hanson [jhansonmt@gmail] ________________________________________ ... Oct 15 Day of Action: Action Request: Sign and deliver a Petition to Press Congress to debate and vote on the US’s Iraq/Syria war Action request from Just Foreign Policy (justforeignpolicy.org/act/progressive-caucus-iraq-syria) --- Wed, Oct 15: Day of Action on Iraq/Syria-Sign the petition, join the delivery! FROM Press Congress to debate and vote on the Iraq-Syria war Sign our petition --petitions.moveon.org/sign/help-the-progressive?source=c.em&r_by=1135580 By the time Congress returns to Washington after the November elections, three months will have passed since the U.S. began bombing Iraq without a Congressional debate or vote. But just because Congress is in recess doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do. The majority of Americans agree that Congress should debate and vote on the war. [1] The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) has adopted this position—in addition to positions that there should be no U.S. ground troops introduced and that any authorization of force be narrow and limited—but others in Congress have been silent. Longtime peace movement leader Tom Hayden notes that Congressional failure to act could provide silent consent to the executive branch for future wars, that Congress can limit the war by prohibiting the use of U.S. ground troops, and that “Congressional district offices are the best centers of access where local peace coalitions can affect their representatives.” [2] That’s why Just Foreign Policy is teaming up with Progressive Democrats of America Wednesday, October 15, to deliver petitions to Members of Congress in their district offices in support of the CPC’s positions. Here’s how you can help: 1. Sign and share our petition(text below) at petitions.moveon.org/sign/help-the-progressive?source=c.em&r_by=1135580 in support of the CPC resolution (H. Con. Res. 114). We want to make sure we have at least 10,000 signatures nationally before we deliver the petition. So far we have just under 8,000. justforeignpolicy.org/act/progressive-caucus-iraq-syria 2. Help deliver petitions to local Congressional offices on Wednesday, October 15. PDA is planning to go to 31 local offices that day in support of the CPC resolution—join them! Most petition deliveries will be at noon. Let us know if you can attend by filling out our simple form here: justforeignpolicy.org/act/pda-action-form . We’ll let you know if there is an event scheduled in your district for Wednesday; if not, we’re going to be returning to district offices after the election. References: 1. “Congress hasn’t authorized military action in Syria. Americans think it should.” Aaron Blake, Washington Post, October 10, washingtonpost/blogs/the-fix/wp/2014/10/10/congress-hasnt-authorized-military-action-in-syria-americans-think-it-should/ 2. “Why Congress Must Vote on War,” Tom Hayden, October 6, 2014, tomhayden/home/why-congress-must-vote-on-war.html Thanks for all you do to help limit and end wars using democracy and the rule of law, Robert Naiman and Megan Iorio Just Foreign Policy -- justforeignpolicy.org JUST FOREIGN POLICY’S PETITION: petitions.moveon.org/sign/help-the-progressive?source=c.em&r_by=1135580 Help the Progressive Caucus Limit the Iraq-Syria war Petition by Robert Naiman of Just Foreign Policy To be delivered to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama Members of Congress should co-sponsor the Congressional Progressive Caucus Resolution, H. Con. Res. 114, urging limitations on the U.S. use of military force in Iraq and Syria and should use the principles embodied in H. Con. Res. 114 to limit any authorization for the use of military force in Iraq or Syria. In particular, Congress should: - prohibit the use of ground combat troops; - ensure that any authorization of force has a time limit or sunset provision so that it has to be renewed in the future for war to continue rather than lasting indefinitely by default; and - ensure that there is regular public reporting on civilian deaths and injuries from U.S. airstrikes, so that the public, Members of Congress, and journalists can better understand reports in the media about civilian casualties. There are currently (10/13/14) 10,146 signatures. NEW goal - We need 15,000 signatures! Petition Background A new U.S. war has begun in Iraq and Syria—without Congressional authorization. With Congress in recess and an election coming up, there will be no Congressional vote until November. But it is virtually certain that Congress will vote on an authorization after the election, and that whatever they vote on will pass. What is in the authorization they vote on is something that we can still influence. In the process, we can help put a quick end to this war, preventing it from becoming another endless quagmire. Now, while Congress is in recess, is the time for us to build political support for limiting the war. The Congressional Progressive Caucus Resolution, H.Con.Res.114, establishes a set of four key principles that we can organize around. The resolution says that Congress: - should debate and vote on whether the U.S. should be involved in sustained combat in Iraq or Syria; - does not support the deployment of ground combat troops in Iraq or Syria; - should ensure that any grant of authority for force is narrowly tailored and limited; and - should ensure that any grant of authority for force includes robust reporting requirements. Key progressive leaders in Congress supporting H.Con.Res.114 include: Reps. Raul Grijalva, Keith Ellison, Barbara Lee, Jim McGovern, Alan Grayson, Peter DeFazio, Peter Welch, Mark Pocan, Jim McDermott, John Conyers, Katherine Clark, Beto ORourke, Janice Hahn, Richard Nolan, Hank Johnson, Charlie Rangel, Michael Honda, Chellie Pingree, Niki Tsongas, Mark Takano, Sam Farr, John Lewis, Jose Serrano. https://beta.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-concurrent-resolution/114/cosponsors ________________________________________ ... Oct 18, 4pm: Dances of Universal Peace: Gather at 4:00, dance for 1 1/2 hours, and then socialize over soups and bread. at Covenant United Methodist Church across from the hospital, 2300 Broadway. From: Dances Universal Peace [ helenadancers@gmail] Subject: Dances, October 18, 4:00, Saturday Dear Friends, Let’s celebrate and harvest the blessings of a bountiful summer with a gathering to eat, dance and pray together. We will meet on Saturday, October 18th, at the Covenant United Methodist Church across from the hospital, 2300 Broadway. We gather at 4:00, dance for 1 1/2 hours, and then socialize over soups and bread. I hope we will see you then… Looking forward with joy to dancing with everyone, Terri, Bruce, and Charlotte
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 20:04:00 +0000

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