Hell is REAL PLACE. We must warn others about Hell. We must win - TopicsExpress


Hell is REAL PLACE. We must warn others about Hell. We must win more souls for Jesus Christ. Here are Biblically Chapters and Verses speaking of Hell. Matthew 5:22; 23:33; 10:28; 11:23 Luke 12:5; 8:31; 16:20-31; 3:7 Mark 9:43-48 1 John 3:15; 1:9 Revelation 20:13-15; 22:15 John 12:10 Acts 12:23 Psalm 9:17 Proverb 7:27 Hebrew 1:14; 13:4 Job 21:13 Jeremiah 2:32 Hosea 2:13 James 2:5 2 Peter 2:4 1 Corinthian15:26 Isaiah 8:12; 14:12-15 Deuteronomy 13:6 Colossian 3:5 Roman 10:9-10 Leviticus 26:40-42 Warning to those Backsliders, Lukeworming Christians, False Prophets, False Teachers, Late-Saved People, Fake Preachers/Pastors, Sinners and Workers of Witchcraft: Please do not go to that place. It is a burning super hot horrid place of torments...excruciating pain...and of ETERNAL sorrow. Your soul will always be alive. The soul lives forever. It is the REAL YOU and your soul will go to either Heaven or Hell. Please do not PLAY GAMES with God and Jesus Christ. Hell is right INSIDE of the center of the earth and there are lost souls who are WITHOUT Christ in torment there night and day. There are NO PARTIES in Hell. NO LOVE. NO COMPASSION. NO REST. NO WATER. NO FOOD. NO PEACE. NO SLEEP. And NO ESCAPE. Only a place of eternal PUNISHMENT. Imagine this..... Fire roaring, and Brimstone is embedding in the side of the pit and glowing RED like HOT COALS of REAL FIRE. There is NO JOKES in Hell. It is NOT funny. Hell is REAL like an ocean of fire....river of fire....lake of fire...inside the earths core more hotter than the sun ever be. In the center of the dark black pit is a LOST soul who had died and gone to this Hell. A ball of fire began forming at the bottom of the pit, swept upward and covered the lost soul in flames. In a moment the fire would die down to embers and then with a rushing sound would sweep back over the tormented soul in the dark pit again. You could imagine seeing that the lost soul in the pit is caged inside a skeleton form. Ouch....sighs! Real talk because Jesus Christ spoke more about Hell than anyone. We must speak boldly like Him through the True Gospel of Christ. Cant God let him/her out? How awful is the fearful sight in Hell! Ouch....this could be me. This could be you. How sad it is to see and know that a living soul is in there through the Eternal Death...the Second Death, man! This could be your family member....your sibing....your soul mate....your neighbor....your co-worker....your boss....your classmate...your enemy....your church member....your teammate.....and the total stranger you met. You could hear a cry from the center of the pit somewhere down there. You could imagine seeing a soul in the form of an ashy skeleton crying out to God and Jesus for mercy. But it is not Gods fault. It is not Jesus fault. It is his or her fault for totally rejecting God and Jesus. You could feel biggest GULPS. You could hear the voice of a real person. It could be the scream of a man or a womon there. You could look at them and want to pull them out of the fire. The sight of them broke your heart for real. But you are struck on earth living and breathing in your human body. You could not able to help them down there while you are on earth. The only way you can do is to WARN others on earth and around the world about REAL Hell. That is your mission. This is not funny. I aint laughing because it is very very VERY serious to live right for God. The skeleton form of a man or a woman comes with a dirty-grey mist inside is talking, screaming, crying, begging for mercy and cussing at God and Jesus. Decayed flesh hung by shreds from their bones and as it burned, it fell off into the bottom of the pit. Only God can destroy both human body and soul in Hell. That is why we need to be careful not to play games with God. We need to stop playing with our Christian Life to God. Where their eyes had once been are now only empty sockets. They have no hair because of the flames. The fire started at their feet in small flames and grew as it climbed up and over their body. It can flow through your body, your eyes....your nose....your ears....your mouth and your navel/tummy. People in Hell seemed to be constantly and continued BURNING even when the flames are only embered. From deep down inside each of them came cries and groans of despair, Lord, Lord, let me out of here! These souls are reaching out to Jesus. There is a great sorrow on His face. They rejected Him while they lived in sins on earth. Worms are crawling out of the bones of their skeletons. Worms are not harmed by the fire. A soul is real as much a human body is real. A spirit is real too. A soul knows and feels those monstrous worms inside. The fire is reaching its peak and the horrible burning starting all over again. Great cries and deep sobs shaking the form of this man-soul or woman-soul. They are lost. There is NO WAY OUT. NO EXIT. The smell stink of dead and decaying flesh hung thickly in the air. If you are truly a child of God, you are on the way with Jesus Christ to Heaven to see God. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, lets spread the true Gospel of Christ to the world of His Love on a cross for them and to warn them about real Hell so they can repent of their sins to God for forgiveness and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior by Faith. Also let us warn and correct false teachers/ preachers with the power of the Holy Spirit so that they can repent and stop playing games with God. Judas betrayed Jesus Christ and he went to Hell after he died in his sins by hang himself. Think about His Word. Pray about it.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 21:39:14 +0000

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