Hell is a temporary thing.... because in spirit you can be fearful - TopicsExpress


Hell is a temporary thing.... because in spirit you can be fearful about the most fearful idea and you can experience a feeling of beign destroyed.... and it can be very visual, very emotiomal.. very hell like... but sooner or later you have to figure out that you are inside your own conssuness... that you are inside yourself..... and wather those ideas are... watevert those demons are.... they are your creation.... they only exist because you give them the power to exist... they feed out of your own fear they use your own intelegince to make it semm like they are separate from you... sooner or later you will realize that you are a perciver and that all you can percive is a reflection... a validation of your self.... you are always safe.... create yourself how you want yourself to be... and dont be afried of your own power and dont be in denial of the love of god!... remember you have beenin recognition of your power many times before... you just dont remember right now... beause you have choosen to forget... you have chossen to forget bacause you wanted to reinvent your self and to have expiriences that you had never had before..... you are always safe... you just dont remember you are... you have to figure it out again... and belive it again.... and realize it and accpet it again.... and have faith in it again and know it again.... dont be in denial of your balanced point....of your center... of your resting point.....because that is the love of who you are!... dont be afraid of you guides... dont be afraid of your angel... that are here and always here to confort you and heal you and show you and teach you.... aceept and be the vibration that your guides suggest! allow youself to recive the rest the confor that you deserve
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 15:24:52 +0000

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