Hellfire- A doctrin that dishonored God. In what ways? 1. It - TopicsExpress


Hellfire- A doctrin that dishonored God. In what ways? 1. It shows that God is cruel. The Bible teach that God is love. 1John4:8. A loving God would nt put sinful human in Hellfire eternally. 2. It shows that God is unjust. What sin wil equal eternal torment in hellfire? God is just. He demand eye for an eye before the coming of christ. 3. It is against the general idea of the Bible as to the wages of sin. Death as the Bible teaches is the wages of Sin. Roman6:23 Hence God told Adam in Genesis 2:16,17 that in the day they disobeyed him that they would die. And that is what actually happen. If God really intend to torment the wicked in Hellfire, he would have told Adam about it. Would it be just of God to tell Adam that he would die if he desobeyed while he really intend to torment him in hellfire forever? Would you say God is truthful? When God told Adam that he would die, he explain what he meant to him after he disobeyed. God then told him in Genesis 3:19 that dust you are and to the dust you wil return. Even at this stage God said nothing about tormenting Adam in Hellfire. When God said to Adam that dust you are, the you refers to the complete Adam nothing left because God had told him that ..you wil eat bread til (you) return to the ground... so Adam did nt go to hellfire. He returned to the dust of the ground. HOW WILL HE PURNISH THE WICKED? Isaiah11:4 said of Jesus with righteousness he must judge the lowly ones, and with uprightness he must give reproof in hehalf of the meek ones of the earth.And with the rod of his mouth and with the spirit of his lips he will put the wicked one to death. Hence Psalm 37:9,10 says For evildoers themselves will be cut off.....And just a little while longer,and the wicked one will be no more.... For more details read Êzekiel 33:8-16, Psalm 92:7, Roman 6:23., John 3:16., Psalm 37:20. Thanks. May Jehovah be with you as you meditate on his word and base you believe on it.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 20:53:49 +0000

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