Hello, A friend and I are looking to fill out the spots on our - TopicsExpress


Hello, A friend and I are looking to fill out the spots on our NA ranked 5s team. Our team is currently gold 2, undefeated, and we are earning 30+ LP per match. Our roster has a total of 8 people, but there are so many people that are not active enough that its so difficult to get a full 5 team back together to start climbing. We are looking for players that fit into the criteria below: - Must be at least Gold in solo queue - Must be on between 11am-8pm roughly PST - An ACTIVE summoner, not casual player - No ragers/flamers - Skype required - Decently sized champion pool Our goal is to at least play 2 ranked 5 games a day, although this is not an extremely strict requirement and can skip over a day or two. Currently we are looking for a Summoner WHO MAINS TOP LANE and AD CARRY (2 separate people) OTHER ROLES ARE ALREADY FILLED PERMANENTLY. If you are interested in climbing to plat with us, please note your summoner name along with your top champion picks, and division in solo queue and your schedule that you play either in the comments or in a PM, Ill be sure to check my other inbox at this time. Also if you do not respond with the following criteria your post will be looked over. Again, the information we need - your solo queue division - your lane along with your top champions picks - your playing schedule - your IGN If you do not get a response you are either one of these things: - your top 3 champions on your profile are of a role that is already fulfilled - you have an extremely small amount of games played in ranked - you did not meet the requirements above or you didnt post them (to be continued)
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:50:29 +0000

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