Hello All I need to make it quite clear ...if you are on my - TopicsExpress


Hello All I need to make it quite clear ...if you are on my personal freinds list, The koi on my page are MY koi ..bought and paid for from reputable dealers or via private sale .. They are not rescue koi that i have creamed off from the rescues. They are NOT for sale ..they are my babs ! The rescues are not really self sufficient as regards funding .. i still have to use my own wages to top up and pay for things needed ...so please dont be under the impression i am raking it in .. there have been several times that i have seriously thought about packing it in .. So this is aimed at one person in particular that seems to think i only do it for the money ..as an example .. Jack Ward and a few others donated a koi to auction and other bits n bobs .. Ashley Dart & Clair Dart organised it all .. and it raised just under £300 ... Now for me to order a half pallet of food with delivery its £801.00 so where do you think the other £500 is coming from to pay for it ...Hmmmm have a think about it ...plus the £700 leccy bill i have just paid ..Not quite that clear cut is it ..especially when i have had 4 koi rehomed ..in the last month that brought £60 in ..now its really not adding up is it ..So why i am i doing it ??? 1, To ultimatley find unwanted fish good homes 2, To get people out of trouble when they can no longer look after them. Before the fish get ruined. 3, To raise awareness of fish health and well being. I love doing the rescues its hard work .but rewarding on so many levels. It is a hobby for me ..but one where i feel i am giving something back ..i have always done charity work in some way, shape or form. You would never quibble with an adoption fee to the RSPCA etc etc so dont do it with me... Sorry about the groan .. Max
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 08:38:47 +0000

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