Hello All, Joey Miller of your group had some thoughtful - TopicsExpress


Hello All, Joey Miller of your group had some thoughtful questions. I hope my answers interest all of you as well. First, why did I end up hating America? OK. Picture this. You are head-over-heels in love with another person. Then that person’s behaviour changes dramatically, to where you leave the relationship. You leave because you are angry and because you feel betrayed. The betrayal was when you discovered the person was not what you thought they were. Now here’s the essential part: You had soooooo much love for the person initially. Your emotions were sky high. Then you discovered the truth about the person. That’s when you started hating that FKN person. You were fooled. You feel stupid and betrayed. You are really pissed off. The extreme level of love emotions you initially had are now matched in their extreme-ness with loathing. It’s really that simple. The amount of your Yin is matched by the amount of your Yang. That’s a simple fact of life that I assume you already know. When I first started studying the American War’s true history, is when I also discovered how the American Government distorts reality via media propaganda beamed at its citizens. Essentially, American media are owned by the military-industrial complex. As such, its propaganda supports perpetual war, consumer debt that essentially enslaves people into becoming silent worker bees, and international terrorism masked as “Spreading Democracy”. Why would I leave a “prosperous” and “technically advanced” society? Having an academic background and lifelong interest in economics, I understand what a house of cards the US Economy really is. It is truly a paper tiger. The US was essentially bankrupt in 1971. It has been using all sorts of tricks – military operations all over the world the most obvious – to keep the façade that it is an economic power second to no other country. The problem w/the US economy is that it has exhausted all available means to stay afloat. And so now, US politicians are stripping US Citizens of their personal wealth through numerous social program cut backs, unfair taxation, pension theft, and infrastructure decay. Add to this the total corruption of US politics and the continuing cancellation of citizens’ civil rights, and you have a fascist dictatorship, not a US Democracy. Yes, Joey, as you say the US is a technological leader. However, look at where the emphasis of new US technology development is headed….spying, invasion of privacy, and censorship. That is not healthy. Joey, my reasons for coming back to VN are many, but the significant ones are: 1. I fell in love with Bon, who now is my wife. I met her on my first trip back to VN in 2009. 2. I wanted to surround my personal being with a healthier culture than what exists in the US. 3. I wanted to “give back” to VN people. Although I realize I am old and don’t have the physical energy I once had, AND I won’t be “alive” on this planet much longer, what little time and energy I do have, I want to spread love, kindness, generosity, and understanding in my world. Like many talented and young Vietnamese, you are probably curious what it would be like living in the US. Maybe you think you’ll become rich if you live there. This thinking is totally wrong, my new FB friends. Knowing what I do, the chance of your lifetime success living in VN is much greater than any other country in the world. I know a little about a lot of other countries. I’ve been around the world 3 times. OK. I’ve said a lot, so I’ll stop here. Any serious questions you have, I’ll be certain to answer. Peace.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 05:34:34 +0000

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