Hello Dallas/Fort Worth friends of the Earth! I wanted to - TopicsExpress


Hello Dallas/Fort Worth friends of the Earth! I wanted to reach out to you to see how many of you and your various environmental organizations would be interested in participating in The Global Climate Convergence, an international education and direct action campaign that begins this spring, by becoming involved in several local actions that are being planned. The Dallas/Fort Worth System Change Not Climate Change chapter is spearheading local Global Climate Convergence activities. We have reached out to the Dallas/Fort Worth labor community to express our desire to support and participate in their planned May Day event (the specifics of which has yet to be finalized) and our overtures have been accepted. The importance of this joint action is to bring together the environmental and labor communities which, historically, have not worked closely with each other. Given the ever worsening crisis of global warming/climate change and the immediate need to radically reduce greenhouse gasses before the end of this century, our two communities must work more closely together than ever before to ensure a safe, just and thorough transition to a truly ecologically sustainable (i.e. non-fossil fuel based) and just (i.e. non-profit based) economy and society. I would like to see if a number of representatives of local environmental organizations, as well as interested individuals, would like to get together to meet to see how the environmental community can organize our selves to participate in the upcoming May Day event. I also would like for us at the same meeting to begin planning what action/s we want to do concerning Exxon Mobiles annual shareholders meeting on May 26. Given the enormity of ExxonMobils countless crimes and outrages, the increasing likelihood in our lifetime of ecological catastrophe due to the worlds fossil fuel based economy and the imperative to immediately shift from such an economy if human civilization (and most of the Earths species) survive, we need to make ExxonMobils shareholders meeting center stage for exposing its crimes and making clear to the world that the end to a fossil fuel based world is NOW. Given my involvement in System Change Not Climate Change (currently, Im on the North American transitional steering committee and running to be on the formally finalized steering committee once our by-laws have been approved), I have been able to notify fellow SCNCC members about ExxonMobils May 26th meeting; many have expressed interest in participating in this event. The same interest has been expressed by the folks with The Global Climate Convergence. If you are interested and you believe your group/organization would be interested in participating in or both of these events, please respond to this post or e-mail me at garystuard123@gmail . Together, I know we can make a significant impact in radically shifting the national/international dialogue on these matters, which lead to real change in policies (local, state, national and international). But, as we know, we are rapidly running out of time. The time to act is NOW! Thank you! Yours in Eco-solidarity, Gary Stuard
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:01:02 +0000

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