Hello Dear Friend (s) RELENTLESS LOVE OF GOD Id like to talk - TopicsExpress


Hello Dear Friend (s) RELENTLESS LOVE OF GOD Id like to talk about what the word relentless or hard. It means that never diminishes in intensity or in efforts - without compromise - that can not be changed or persuaded by any argument. Being relentless means hard or committed to a specific purpose. Thats the wonderful description of Gods love. The love of our God is absolutely relentless. Nothing can prevent or diminish the love that God continues to sinners and Christians. David expressed it this way: You beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. ... Whither shall I go from thy Spirit, and where shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend to heaven you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me ... (Ps 139: 5-7-8-9) David talking about the ups and downs we face in life. He means: there are times when I am so blessed, I feel raised me with joy. At other times I feel like in hell, condemned and unnecessary. But no matter where I am, Lord, or how my condition is miserable, youre here. I can not escape your relentless love. And I can not chase him away from me. You never take account of my arguments and my disability. Although I am disobedient, I catch against the truth, when I take your grace for granted, do not you ever stop loving me. Your love for me is relentless, hard ...! At one point David prayed, Lord, you have made me sit in high places. You gave me the light to understand your Word. You gave me a lamp for my steps lead. But I fell so low. I do not know how I could ever get up. I made my bed in hell. And I deserve punishment. Youre too big and too holy to love me in this condition. David had sinned gravely. This is the same man who enjoyed Gods guidance every day. He was taught directly by the Holy Spirit. He received the revelation of the Word of God. However, despite its many blessings and his devoted life, David disobeyed Gods law. Im sure you know the story of Davids sin. He had lust for the woman of another man and the woman became pregnant. Then he tried to cover his sin by drinking her husband to make drunk, hoping he would sleep with her already pregnant. When he saw that it did not work, David committed murder. He decided to send a man at the height of a battle knowing he would die. The writing says What David did was displeasing to God (2 Samuel 11: 27). God defined this action great evil. And He sent the prophet Nathan to tell him you did blaspheme the enemies of the Lord (2 Sam 12. 14) David prayed all day for the birth of this child. But the child died, and David had a lot of grief because of the terrible things he had caused. That David had done displeased the Lord (2 Sat: 11: 27) However, in spite of Davids sin, God continued to love him. While the world was laughing at the faith of this man who had fallen, God gave David an example of unconditional love and relentless. Bathsheva was now Davids wife, and she gave birth to another child. David called Solomon and he was loved by the Lord. (2 Sat 12: 24) The birth and life of Solomon were a blessing for David, a totally undeserved blessing. But Gods love for David never fails, even in the hour of greatest shame. He continued David incessantly. Consider also the testimony of the Apostle Paul. When we read Pauls life, we see a man destroy the church of God. Paul acted like a fool in his hatred for Christians. He breathed murder for each person who was following Jesus. After his conversion, Paul testified that even during those years filled with hatred, persecuting Christians, God loved him. The apostle wrote, God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still fishermen, Christ died for us (Rom: 5: 8) - He means in short even when I was not conscious, God pursued me in His love, until the day he literally made me fall from my horse. It was love relentless of God. Through the years Paul became fully convinced that God would uninterruptedly until the end and through the ups and downs, he might say, I am convinced that neither death nor life , nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, manifested in Jesus Christ (Rom 8: 38-39). He said now that I belong to the Lord, nothing can separate me from His love, neither devil nor demons, nor principalities, nor men, nor angels, nothing can stop God from loving me. Most believers have read this passage again and again. They heard him preach for years. However I believe that the majority of Christians find Pauls words amazing. When we happen to sin and miss the purpose to God, we lose the sense of the reality of His love for us. So when something happens to us, we think, God sent me to suffering. And we start to blame each disorder, persecution, disease and difficulty on Him. In fact, we say, God stopped loving me because I almost. I disliked him, and He is angry against me, He is angry. Suddenly we no longer understand the unconditional love of God for us. We forget that He continually pursues a goal at home and at all times; no matter our condition. This is why we can not cope with all the difficulties of life and all the suffering without knowing the truth. We need to be convinced of Gods love for us. I know of several departments that talk a lot about Gods love and offer it to others freely. But when the enemy comes in like a flood and a roaring lion in their lives, they are swept away. They fall into the pit of despair, unable to trust the Word of God. They can not believe that God will still accept them; they are convinced that He gave up with them. Paul addresses a very important speech on the subject when he writes to the Corinthians and he chose the end of the second letter with this prayer: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all (2 cor: 13: 14) You probably recognize this verse. It is often used in meetings for a blessing. It is usually given by the pastor and few listeners grasp the significance. However, this verse is not only a blessing. This is the summary of all that Paul has taught the Corinthians about love of God. This verse is related to the three divine from the grace of Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. I think if we understand these three issues, we never douterons the matchless love of God for us / 1 First, Paul considers the grace of Jesus Christ: Just what is grace? We know from Paul teach us to renounce irreligion and misleading and live in the present age of wisdom, justice and godliness (Titus 2: 12) How this place where we can be taught by the grace do we reach? And what is the teaching that grace ad? In agreement with Paul, grace teaches to renounce ungodliness and lusts and to live holy and pure lives. If this is so we need the Holy Spirit to shine on our souls and show us the foundation of this doctrine. We find the secret of Pauls statement about grace in 2 cor: 8-9. He says, For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, for you became poor, he was rich, so that by his poverty you might become rich. Paul is not talking about material wealth but spiritual wealth. (several passages refer to it. Through his letters Paul speaks of the riches of the glory of Christ, rich in wisdom and wealth in grace, mercy, in faith and good works. Thus the New Testament speaks of the opposite to the wealth of the world that are often disappointing spiritual riches.) Paul tells us, is all you need to know the meaning of grace. She comes to us through the Lords example. Simply Jesus came to bless, edify and build at its own expense. Thats the grace of God. Whatever He is rich, for us he became poor, so that through his poverty we might become rich. Jesus did not come to show his glory. He abandoned all his rights. It was not exalted himself at the expense of the poor; he did not shoot the glory of his own power, ability or other talents. No, Jesus came to build his body. And He proved it by giving glory to Gods blessings on others. When Jesus walked on earth, he was not in competition with anyone. He certainly heard his disciples to glorify what He was doing. And in all humility, Jesus was able to say you will accomplish larger than the ones I made things; Later, when the news came about the miracles of the disciples, demons cast out, people healed, he was glad. How many of us can proclaim that kind of grace? To my knowledge, it is sorely lacking in our churches. Few Christians really rejoice when they see their siblings blessed by the Lord. This is also true of many servants. That unconditional love of God rejoice when we see others blessed more than us. Paul says, that love be without hypocrisy or dissimulation. ... Make use of affection for each other, by mutual honor ... thoughtfulness. (rom: 12: 9-10). That grace remains humble even when rejoices in the blessings of others. In the first letter to the Corinthians, he describes the little grace he says. Paul found Christians of Corinth in competition with each other. The church was filled with self exaltation, self promotion, etc .... Men and women boasted of their spiritual gifts, seeking a higher position. They were even competing at the table of the Lord. All this was the opposite of the definition of which Paul spoke about grace. These Corinthians were in their self. They thought has receive without giving. Today the word is synonymous with Corinthian carnal and worldly. Paul was speaking to believers: For me brothers, it is not as spiritual men I could talk to you. ... . 1 Cor 1-3. Consider what Paul said. Children think only have their needs met. They cry that we take care of them. And Corinthians were like that; very light in terms of sin, bear with fornication and even incest. When you think about what kind of believers, the word holiness does not even comes to mind. However, despite their carnal nature, God led Paul to write them using the term church of God. ... Called to be saints ... that grace be upon you, peace, etc ... 1Cor: 1-2-3. Did it was a mistake? Is God involved in compromise? Not ever. God knew their condition and he did not approve of their sin. But Pauls greeting is a picture of the unconditional love of God. If God judged us according to our condition, we would be saved a minute and convicted the next. We would need to convert us 10 times a day and we would be retrograde at least 10 times a day. Every Christian if he is honest to admit that his condition, even the best, is a struggle. We all have struggles, we must always rest on the promises of God and trust in his mercy. This is why we still have weaknesses and shortcomings in our flesh. Thank you Lord, He does not judge us according to our condition. Instead ever since we gave our heart to the Lord by faith the Father sees us seated with Christ in heavenly places. This is our position. I would not want you to misunderstand. When I say that God secures his children in grace, Im not talking about the doctrine that allows believers to continue to sin. The Bible is clear; it is possible for every believer at any time to turn away from God and reject his love. This kind of person can harden his heart and repeat. God leaves us free. Perhaps by this time you are in the condition of the Corinthian. But God sees your position solitude before God. Its like this he addressed to the Corinthians through Paul; He knew that they had no resources to change. They had no power in themselves to become saints. This is why He inspired Paul to speak of them as sanctified. The Lord wanted them to know the security of their position in Christ. Are you spirit to fight with a weakness? If so, know that God will never change about his love for you. Hear him speak to you as a person holy, just, accepted: 1 Cor. 1-30. 2 Paul shared the love of God. In his second letter, Paul emphasizes Gods love. He knew that the relentless love of God was the only power capable of changing the heart of anyone. And this second letter proves that God has chosen to use love as his way of showing his power. The love of God 1 Cor 13: 4-8 shows a powerful truth about the ability of Gods love. No doubt youve heard this passage many times from the pulpit of the church and some sermons wedding. Charity (Love) bears all things ... etc. Most of us think: this is the kind of love that God expects of me. Thats true in a sense but no one can live that kind of love. No, this passage is about love of God himself. Verse 8 attests charity never fails human love fails. But there is a love that is unconditional, never give up. It resists every weakness, every bankruptcy in short this kind of love is relentless, he does not stop, he continues tirelessly. This can only describe the love of God Almighty. How carnal Corinthian did they react to the love of God through Pauls message? They melted at his words. Paul them later said, now Im not glad that you were made sorry, but what your sorrowed to repentance; for ye were made sorry according to God, ye might receive from us ... no damage. (2 Cor: 7-9-11) I tell you these were Corinthian s changed by the power of Gods unconditional love. As we read the second letter to the Corinthians we find that the me in this church disappeared. The power of sin was broken by godly sorrow. 3 Finally, Paul emphasizes the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. The phrase Paul uses the Greek translated fellowship of the Holy Spirit to. Initially, Corinthian knew nothing of this communion. They were individualists. Paul said, every one of you said, I am of Paul, I of Apollos; I of Cephas and I of Christ (1 Cor. 1: 12) Apparently the Corinthians went to church just to build. One came with the gift of tongues, another with a prophecy, another with a gift of knowledge. Everyone wanted to leave the church, saying, I gave a prophecy today I spoke in tongues. And this created a perfect mess. The deep work of the Holy Spirit is something other than donations. Signs, miracles and healings are needed and they have their place. But the most valuable work of the Spirit of God is the unity of the Body of Christ. He wants to establish a communion among the people of God, by his power. What does it mean to have the unit? This means removing all the jealousy and competition, by ceasing to compare themselves to others, instead, everyone rejoices when a brother is blessed. And everyone is willing to give rather than receive. Only this kind of communion reveals the grace of Christ and the love of God. This message can be summarized in a few words: is what Im willing to change? The question is, Do I really want to allow the Holy Spirit when I need to change? You see there is a purpose behind the unconditional love of God. There is a power in the love of God to solve all your problems by changing you. If you tell me that you are a charitable person, forgiving, which is washed in the blood of Jesus, I tell you that the love of God provides for more forgiveness. You can be forgiven and be a good person, yet be governed and slave to your sinful nature. We are all born with a nature that tends toward sin. It is this nature in us that is easily provoked, jealous, angry, unforgiving etc ... This is the nature in us that loves money, sowing the seeds of destruction and can not rejoice when others are blessed. We must have a new nature, the nature of Christ. The old nature is history. (Pier 2: 1-4) The love of God continues we asked I want to assure you a position in Christ. You have to stop trying to change you and change your carnal nature. Let me give you the nature of Christ. There is only one condition: just believe, believe that I am God for you. My friends I am convinced that every believer can become like Jesus as much as he wants. If you could only say, I believe God loves me and you confess it gave you the power to change you. The scripture tells us that we are all given a measure of faith. Make this your prayer today: Lord show me where I need to change I believe my Father loves me with unconditional love and how the provision has all I need Donne... -Me your nature Jesus Christ. Stay Bless dear friend (s)
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 05:43:18 +0000

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