Hello Dear Friends, So good to see you again! @Tccc.... - TopicsExpress


Hello Dear Friends, So good to see you again! @Tccc.... Previously weve been concentrating on Choices and Decisions. Today were going a step further with our understanding and His instructions. Ephesians 4:23-24 Be renewed in the Spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God. Message Bible says : 4:17 And so I insist --and God backs me up on this -- that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty -headed, mindless crowd. Theyve refused for so long to deal with God that theyve lost touch not only with God but with reality itself. 20 -24. But thats no life for you. You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to Him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus. Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything --and I do mean everything -- connected with that old way of life has to go. Its rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life--A God -fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces His character in you. Renewed.... Shake yourself up... Dust yourself off... Take a good look around you... Its time to take charge... How about attacking, with prayer: Your Plans Your Goals Your Strategies Your Focus & Course Im so excited about the new energy I am seeing all around me. The evidence of answered prayers and the new prayer requests that shows clearly how God is working in the many lives and families out there. Its revealing a totally new mindset of Renewed directions, as their Spirit is being Renewed with the Word of God. As Pete and I sit at the kitchen bar with our coffee and devotions each morning, we have the privilege of sitting in the middle of total quietness and wilderness. We get to witness natures renewing of itself everyday. The Bible teaches us to watch for Signs and Wonders. Its so important for each of us to put... where we are, what we do and what we see into practical application. We are all living in a life size class room. Not only is that amazing,.......God is our Instructor.. It doesnt get any better than that!! How He spoke to me today was comforting, reassuring yet making me aware that if some arent taking the time to Embrace the Lesson at hand, He asked me to remind you. The Autumn colors continue their vivid displays. Cooler weather, rains and wind will rapidly change the landscape we are viewing now. Its so beautiful now, we hate to see it change, but change it will. The leaves continue to drop and soon the trees will be completely bare. They are preparing for a new season. Theyre going to winterize themselves and actively prepare for the winter months. Its not by accident or hap -hazard planning. They know what it will take to SUSTAIN themselves thru the winter.. No matter how long or how severe. We have many different species of trees in our surrounding forest. Their leaves are different shapes and colors. Some trees lose their leaves earlier than others. Some bear different fruits... Wild cherries, apples, acorns, pine cones, sweet maple sap, wild mountain ash berries... Just to name a few... And some have vibrant bold colors, some are golden coins, some are silver flashes, and some just turn brown.. Then theres the evergreens, that shed their needles too,... golden in color, yet maintaining the green status -quo.. Sustained Throughout Every Season. The needles on evergreens are never as brilliant or flamboyant as leaves... But they are there day in and day out.. Always... Some trees are best suited for construction purposes. Some have more core strength than others. Some have more insulating qualities, some are light weight (like for model airplanes), some are insect resistant, some aromatic ( like for cedar closets and chests)... Each one, a special purpose.... Each a different design... No leaf the same... Just like our fingerprints... Just like our skin color, just like our DNA.. They all have the claim to fame as a Tree... But none the same. ★★★ Just like us.★★★ None of us the same, all with a special purpose and place. (think clearly and quietly for a moment as you read this.. see how we are so carefully woven into Gods creation, how we can learn from the physical examples He puts before us every day.. Hes everywhere, Hes given us everything we need to see Him and find Him.. Hes not hidden, Hes not a secret, Hes not mystical.. Hes as real as the trees) Our forest is full of beautiful trees, all different ages, different health issues, previous years of neglect, invading insects, some insects have been introduced into the USA as a solution to combat infectious insects and diseases ... However some of them, have become the invasive problem,... to the extreme of destroying... (does this remind you of our sickness and diseases, Satan the destroyer /the angel of light.. So deceiving, just a trick ) Every tree needs tender love and care. Some need to be nurtured, some need nutrients, and some need pruning. (John 15:1-8 the parable of The Vine and the Branches) Can you see how God has allowed our modern day surroundings and situations (that effect you and me every day) to remind us of the parables, teachings, difficulties and seasons of our ancestors and our very own lives today? . ..... Our past ancestors in the Biblical times went through the same things. There is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again ; there is nothing new under the sun. We are all different shapes, sizes, styles, colors, bearing different fruits and different gifts. We all will go thru different seasons as we go thru life. We too must prepare for the different surroundings, temperatures, lifestyle and the changes that will occur as the years go by. Prepare to be sustained in Him, with Him and for Him. Sustained.. Psalm 55:22 Be Renewed!!! Stand strong, stay sustained, pay careful attention to Him, watch for His Signs and Wonders, conduct yourself like He is holding your hand. Go to the Bible Store and put on the brand new you. He has an outfit for every season and every occasion.. Not only that, He has the color that looks the best on you.! (Spring, Summer, Autumn and. Winter) So, throw out the old clothes, clean your closets. Make this your once and for all Commitment to God, Your Heavenly Father. Yes, Its a decision and Your choice... Get brand new inside and out. Be Renewed!! 2 Corinthians 5: 17-18 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come! There is a store near you. Its easy to find.. Its called simply : The Holy Bible Yes thats the book for me.. I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E. We are all living in the age of the greatest and best technology, the latest and greatest communication era. There isnt any reason why we cant fulfill the Great Commission.. Go Tell..... Matthew 28:19-20 Go Tell..... In your New Suit Yes...Being Renewed!!! These are the best days, best opportunities ever!! Im so excited for you. You look so good in your brand new suit, brand new shoes....Nothing can stop you now. Youre prepared, prayed up and ready for action... With God, you can do anything,..... anything but fail! Pete and I love you very much, and we pray for you and lift you up before the Lord every day. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen Philippians 4:23 Please stay in touch, Thank You for your Prayers and Support for Trailside Chapel Caffey Corner Upper Peninsula (Tccc). God is doing a mighty work through you. Gods hands reaches us through you.. You can reach us by email :donnapete1993@gmail (Please check out our new Web Page) @ our website : Trailsidechapel Theres a Donate button too for the support of projects @Tccc plus the on going ministry He has called us to prepare. Or our Facebook Page Or by phone : (989) 838 - 2536 Or Mailing Address : Trailside Chapel Caffey Corner (Tccc) W6671 Hiawatha Trail Naubinway, Mi 49762 Closing scriptures: Psalm 90:16-17 NIV May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendor to their children. May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us ; establish the work of our hands for us - - yes, establish the work of our hands (so also make our labors to be effective and enduring - - though we are here for but a dot. ) Upper Peninsula of Michigan Autumn 2014 @Tccc area in and around Strubble Lake
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 21:35:02 +0000

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