Hello Everyone--FYI--classes, travel: INTRO to Evolutionary - TopicsExpress


Hello Everyone--FYI--classes, travel: INTRO to Evolutionary Astrology Class beginning September 21, 2013 at Village Mystic in Bradenton, Fl INTERMEDIATE Evolutionary Astrology Class beginning September 29, 2013 at The Clubhouse, 1425 Central Avenue, St Petersburg, Fl I CHING Workshop in Lakeland, Fl--November 2013 South African Holistic Safari and the White Lions---September 14th to September 29th, 2014; This is about DNA, expansion and connecting to your roots...2 SPACES REMAINING. MT SHASTA "Out of the Blue" adventure retreat- May 25th to June 1, 2014 More details will be forthcoming..... Imsara Article Submission-September 2013 Topic: Astro Overview Phone: 727.821.8300 imsara E-mail: Wlotus1@mac September 2013 "Life is a lesson--it means to take less on...otherwise you are a more on." ~Jerry ARIES –Great discipline, organization and positive aims are your allies now. Be generous and flexible in your personal relationships. Be open to the feelings of others and take the time to sit down and truly care about what they are communicating. In aligning yourself with humanity in a more basic way you will avail yourself of extra energy, resources and even gain a few friends. Take the time to practice exceptional awareness coupled with clear values. There can be obstacles but you will surmount them via keeping these simple ideas in mind. Others in authority must have confidence in you as well. As you strive to collaborate and try to see the other’s roles in perspective and in view of the larger picture much can be realized. As time goes on, the call within you can grow not only in urgency but in clarity as well. Keeping the view open and flexible is critical, make plans as you go along but be willing to modify. Most of all, organization and discipline are your key allies! TAURUS –With a deeper sense of commitment and perseverance you can gain progress and traction in your goals. Do not invite resistance, inherent within the archetype of Taurus is enough resistance for all. Instead, take the time to be thorough in your actions and trusting in your intuition. It is important for you to breakthrough, not pattern into breakdown. Nature is yielding, flowing and responsive and you would do well to notice this. It is time to break out of the old routine. Try taking a trip over the fall to somewhere you have been attracted to. Make a bucket list and act on it. Consider more seriously the direction of your life and that time is only friendly when we utilize it constructively. Concentrate on trying to live the best life possible and you will know the truth of this by how you feel. Strike more of an inner balance with the promptings of your inner voice and you could be pleasantly surprised by what may follow! GEMINI –Some of what you may need to be aware of now is hidden. Go easy and address outstanding issues but do so with some reserve. This is not a good time to get into points of contention within your personal or professional relationships. Make efforts to harmonize and be in accord with your aims and your efforts to achieve them. You can feel at an impasse in some areas of your life. The key to overcoming stagnation is to move and adjust your sails accordingly. New winds will be blowing in over 2014 as well so you need to keep your current base stable yet flexible. Avoid confusion due to chaos and conflict in the world around you. Close your eyes to negativity and understand that it has been a factor in much of the world’s current situation. Be clear consistently in your communication. Do not let things slide or think the other person understands your point of view immediately. This is a timeframe to be vigilant for many old patterns are being overcome now in your life. Keep your head high, eyes on the sparrow and a strong inner will fortified by your sense of growing purpose…and enjoy! CANCER- Things may appear to slow down or even become stagnant. Relationships can seem at times as if they are running amok. Remain alert, open and composed. Utilize and useful insights you may have in positive and uplifting ways. Self-reliance will tend to see you through any rough waters. Take opportunities to communicate clearly and with integrity to others. Do not struggle with anything on the outer plane but take heart that the key action to be taking now is to listen to your inner voice. You will be well served if you adopt a greater level of discipline and organization. Make sure you are convinced of your convictions and make it a point to find out what you need to know in order to solidify your position. In some ways you are building a new foundation now so care must be taken to ensure it is make out of brick…and not straw! LEO –Enthusiasm is on the table and you get a generous helping. You are now able to move forward more easily and you will progress as long as you are in touch with your true self. Be able to recognize any early signals of change and remain flexible, open, honest and friendly. These are the traits to cultivate now. You will also fortify yourself via a growing awareness of the needs of those around you as well as in your community. Do not ignore opportunities just because they may appear to be minor or too mundane. Sometimes the largest plants are grown from the weakest looking seeds. Often the runt turns out to be the champion and most connected member of the litter. In other words, look and be deeper than appearance. Make sure you make honest and joyful efforts to get your point across while also asking more about what you can do for another. Trust your intuition, maintain inner integrity and keep your attitude unaffected by any grandiose ideas. Let natural attraction due its job. With that in mind, good fortune will seek to follow. VIRGO –Things may get more relaxing over the coming month so it is important to maintain an inner level of positivity and cheer. Take some time to just indulge yourself, doing things you have been meaning to do in ways that bring you both peace and harmony. Do not employ any inferior methods or routines. A sweeping change for the better is what is highlighted and so take time out to assess what areas in your life need further improving. Most of all, as you relax and soften you can be in a superior position to gently identify elements around you that create conflict or chaos. Any useful insights are best taken note of for they can serve you well in later times. Kick up your social life a notch. Hold true to your growing sense of inner confidence and shore up weaker areas. If your attitude is correct all will be well. Entertaining conflict of any kind will stir up needless negativity. Chill. LIBRA –Make an effort to foster extraordinary points of view. Pay more attention to the things that bless your life with beauty, peace and calm and realize there is no redemption in harbouring expectations or illusions of any kind. Pay special attention as to how you conduct yourself. When dealing with matters of business practice care and caution. Within relationships of importance clear any misunderstandings. Do not harbour any expectations or demands. Seek to walk the middle line and most of all be true to your inner truth. Practicing sensitivity, care and caution can help you navigate even the most trying of times. Be firm in your commitment to what you desire. There can also be far reaching decisions made over the month. Take no shortcuts and relish in new opportunities as they arise! SCORPIO –Holding together is kind of a keyword for you this month. Things can feel more intense then usual yet at the same time you can feel a deeper sense of positive direction and flow. Seek first to make sure your aligning yourself with your greater nature and be firm against negative forces that try to bog you down. Cast off all disorganization and useless trivia that can sneak in and clutter up your life. For you, keeping a clean diet and even cleaner mind can be quite beneficial. Skilful timing is also a great ally and trust your instincts. You are approaching a more crucial cycle in which you can be asked to make more decisions and what you choose is important. Follow your deepest intuition and you cannot make a mistake. Your growth can tend to be more accelerated now. SAGITTARIUS-It is all about how you conduct yourself. Keep a steady hand, a cool head and an open heart and much can be achieved. Be prepared for surprises. Notice what you allow to influence you. Weed out weakening factors within your personal approach. Simplicity in efforts will lead to more progress and less mistakes. Spend some time alone in objective thought and view outer events from multiple angles. Using too much force or strength in situations can be problematic. Keep more to the middle course and do not try to act too independent or dependent. Seek the opinions of those you trust when confusion arises and then make your decisions. At this time you are dealing more with potentials rather than realities. Less stress, too! CAPRICORN –Eliminate going to any extremes in strive for balance. Moderation is your watchword over this month and all dealings reflect a need for temperance and discernment. Be thorough in what you attempt to carry out relative to your goals and plans. Refuse to cater to expectations and avoid making judgements until all facts are in. A sense of Unity coupled with Opportunity can arise by simply making your presence known and what you can offer. Your awareness of your community and what it needs is important now and will continue to be so. All living things are not only unique within themselves and nourished by connection. Do not take anything at face value and look deeper instead. Realize that humans tend to categorize all things that look outwardly the same in groups. That belies the truth that we are all fundamentally a unique gift of the cosmos and each one of us has distinct gifts and abilities. Make efforts to meet people by striving to recognize their essence and not the appearance. AQUARIUS-Core feelings and ideas may not be popular but it could be just what the party needs. Carefully evaluate your goals and convictions and seek out those who are in accord with your vision. Maintain an alert inner awareness when out and about and notice not only what is said but also what is not said. This time can catalyse and lead to deeper insights and revelation. Be thorough, be courteous, be fair and stay true to your truth. Strengthen your sense of self worth and dignity. Persons working with you can make extra demands or expect more than what is just. Seek to walk the middle way being clear in communication and offering alternative approaches when needed. Much can be gained. PISCES-. Take note of the current mood around you and make adjustments accordingly. Examine the recent goals and standards you have set for yourself. Evaluate what you can yet realize and shrug off any losses. Take care not interfere with the lives of those around you. It is best to remain objective and offer an opinion only when asked. Instead focus on deepening your own sense of purpose and act accordingly by being available to the tasks that truly suit you and feel harmonious to you. Maintain outer efforts conducive to greater sociability and let the law of natural attraction work in your favour. The relationships that are most harmonious tend to be easy and the ones that are not tend to express recurrent conflict and criticism and unease. Take note of this and adjust accordingly. Do not lose yourself to your allegiances. About the Author BIO Come, My Friends...Tis Newer Worlds to Explore.... Imsara is an evolutionary astrologist, acupuncture physician, writer and speaker. She holds a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and a Master’s in Public Health. Imsara is offering a series of exciting new classes both in St. Petersburg and at Om Gaia in Bradenton, Florida. Imsara also offers a unique set of services both in Oriental Medicine and energy medicine by appt. Please visit me at the following website: imsara. Call for an appointment at: 727.821.8300
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 14:50:06 +0000

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